We appreciate the following people and/or businesses who donated the remainder of their Times Vedette print subscriptions or made financial contributions to our ongoing publishing efforts in Guthrie County.
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Our many thanks to these folks whose contributions help us to continue our journalistic efforts in Guthrie County.
Courtney Allen
Mike Arganbright
Valerie Arganbright
Michael & Barb Bahde
Ken and Joyce Bahrke
Donna Baker
Dr Steve & Glenda Bascom
Myrna Beeber
Scott and Ellen Betzer
Don Bielenberg
Pat Brummer
Bryton Insurance, Chris Arganbright
Tom & Ellen Campbell
James & Becky Carico
Robert Carr, State Farm Insurance
Ruth Carrico
Craig and Roxanne Cogil
Donald & Donna Daniels
Dwight Dinkla
Doug & Marilyn Downing
Mike & Linda Downing
Richard Ellis
Dennis & Diane Flanery
Emily Goodenough
Guthrie County State Bank
Lyle Hansen
Ann Harrison
Chris & Trudy Hastings
Bill & Rochelle Hayes
Mike Hennen
Kathy Hesseltine
Dottie Hill
Carol Hillman
Keith & Susan Hjelle
Rod Huggins
Galen & Pam Johnson
JoAnn and Brian Johnson
Linda Jordan
Joy Neal Kidney
Leora Kingery
Mike Klein
Ardie Klemish
Sherri Lage
Carol Laughery
Steve and Sandi Lee
Craig and Lynnette Little
Sue and Jay Merryman
Janel (Schwab) Miller
John Millhollin
Paul Myers
Panorama Community School
Lori Pearson
Ted and Patty Reeve
Scot and Pam Reeves
Hal Rossow
Dennis Shroyer
Darrell Shook
Rowena Storesund
Frank Teale
Dave Thompson
Dorothy Turner
Phyllis Wakefield
Carol Wendl
K. Wirt
Tobin Wirt
Gary Winter
Lonnie & Rosemary Whisler
Jeanette Wolfe