Guthrie County Sheriff’s Office Weekly Report June 10-16, 2024


2:27 a.m. Stuart Ambulance responded to a medical call in Stuart 

10:05 a.m. Panora Police assisted a motorist 

1:42 p.m. Guthrie County Deputy served civil papers in Stuart 

1:45 p.m. Stuart Police responded to a two-vehicle accident 

1:52 p.m. Guthrie County Deputy took a complaint in Jamaica 

2:26 p.m. Guthrie County Deputy took a driving complaint in Bayard 

2:48 p.m. Guthrie County Sheriff performed a civil standby in Guthrie Center 

3:05 p.m. Stuart Police responded to a parking complaint 

3:50 p.m. Guthrie County Deputy responded to a family situation in rural Stuart 

3:53 p.m. Guthrie County Deputy took a complaint in Jamaica 

4 p.m. Stuart Police performed a civil standby 

4:34 p.m. Guthrie County Deputy responded to a hang up 911 call in Guthrie Center 

5:20 p.m. Guthrie County Deputy responded to a report of harassment in Guthrie Center 

6:12 p.m. Panora Police responded to an animal complaint 

7:21 p.m. Guthrie County Deputy took a report of harassment in Guthrie Center 

7:31 p.m. Guthrie County Deputy took a theft report in Bayard 

9:38 p.m. Stuart Police and Guthrie County Deputy responded to a suicidal female in Stuart 



8:20 a.m. Guthrie County Deputy responded to a commercial alarm in Guthrie Center 

9:11 a.m. Guthrie County Deputy assisted a motorist in Guthrie Center 

9:16 a.m. Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call in Bayard 

10:24 a.m. Panora Police assisted a motorist 

1:04 p.m. Panora Police responded to a complaint 

1:18 p.m. Guthrie County Deputy performed a welfare check in rural Guthrie Center 

2:15 p.m. Stuart Police assisted a motorist 

6:26 p.m. Guthrie County Deputy responded to a neighbor complaint in Bayard 

6:55 p.m. Stuart Police performed a case follow-up 

7:02 p.m. Stuart Police responded to debris in the roadway 

8:14 p.m. Guthrie County Deputy responded to a report of suspicious item in Bayard 

9:12 p.m. Panora Police responded to an animal complaint 

9:51 p.m. Guthrie County Deputy assisted a motorist in rural Guthrie Center 

11:05 p.m. Guthrie County Deputy performed a warrant check in Casey 



8:16 a.m. Guthrie Center Fire, Panora Ambulance and Guthrie County Deputy responded to a house fire in rural Guthrie Center 

10:22 a.m. Stuart Police responded to a complaint 

11:25 a.m. Guthrie County Deputy performed a case follow-up in Guthrie Center 

12 p.m. Stuart Ambulance responded to a medical call in Greenfield 

12:37 p.m. Stuart Police responded to a single-vehicle accident 

1:34 p.m. Guthrie County Deputy transported one male to Guthrie County Jail 

3:04 p.m. Stuart Ambulance and Police responded to a medical call in Stuart 

4:03 p.m. Guthrie County Deputy assisted a motorist on Highway 44

4:08 p.m. Guthrie County Sheriff performed traffic control in Guthrie Center 

4:28 p.m. Guthrie County Deputy served civil papers in Guthrie Center 

4:55 p.m. Guthrie County Deputy and Panora Ambulance responded to a single-vehicle accident on Highway 44

5:03 p.m. Guthrie County Deputy attempted to serve civil papers in Jamaica 

6:38 p.m. Guthrie County Deputy assisted a motorist in rural Guthrie Center 

7:29 p.m. Stuart Ambulance responded to a medical call in Stuart 

8:39 p.m. Guthrie County Deputy responded to a report of a stolen vehicle from Coon Rapids heading toward Bayard 

9:15 p.m. Stuart Police responded to a family situation 

9:29 p.m. Stuart Police and Guthrie County Deputy responded to a verbal domestic 

9:31 p.m. Stuart Ambulance responded to a medical call in rural Casey 

9:50 p.m. Stuart Ambulance responded to a medical call in Bayard 

10:09 p.m. Guthrie County Deputy responded to a deer in the roadway on Highway 141 

11:18 p.m. Stuart Police responded to a report of suspicious activity 



12:28 a.m. Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call in Guthrie Center

1:10 a.m. Panora Ambulance transported a patient from Audubon County Hospital to Omaha 

8:35 a.m. Stuart Police responded to a report of a theft

8:40 a.m. Stuart Police assisted an individual

9:28 a.m. Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call in Bayard

10:15 a.m. Guthrie County Deputy assisted an individual in Casey

10:25 a.m. Panora Ambulance and Guthrie County Deputy responded to a medical call in Guthrie Center

12:05 p.m. Guthrie County Deputies and Stuart Police responded to a report of a two vehicle accident in rural Menlo

1:10 p.m. Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call in Guthrie Center

1:20 p.m. Guthrie County Deputy arrested one individual and transported that individual to the Guthrie County Jail

1:25 p.m. Panora Fire Department and Panora Ambulance responded to a grass fire in rural Panora

1:55 p.m. Panora Police responded to a harassment complaint

3:25 p.m. Stuart Police assisted an individual

4:05 p.m. Guthrie County Deputy assisted a motorist in rural Panora

4:30 p.m. Stuart Police assisted Greenfield Police with a situation in the Greenfield area

7 p.m. Guthrie County Deputy checked on a disabled vehicle in rural Panora

7:25 p.m. Guthrie County Deputy served a court order in Bagley and transported one individual to Guthrie Center

9:40 p.m. Stuart Police assisted a motorist

9:45 p.m. Guthrie County Deputy attempted to serve a civil paper in Jamaica

10:10 p.m. Stuart Police responded to a theft report 

10:23 p.m. Guthrie County Deputies responded to a complaint in rural Panora and assisted individuals

11:35 p.m. Panora Ambulance transported a patient from Audubon County Hospital to Omaha



12:47 a.m. Guthrie County Deputy assisted an individual in Guthrie Center

9:18 a.m. Stuart Police responded to an animal complaint 

10:14 a.m. Stuart Police assisted a motorist 

10:57 a.m. Guthrie County Sheriff responded to a driving complaint in Guthrie Center

11:43 a.m. Guthrie County Deputy and Panora Police performed a warrant check in Yale 

12:11 p.m. Guthrie County Deputy responded to a complaint in Guthrie Center 

1:29 p.m. Stuart Police, Fire and Ambulance responded to single-vehicle accident on I-80

1:57 p.m. Panora Police responded to a complaint 

5:04 p.m. Guthrie County Deputy performed a case follow-up in Bayard 

5:28 p.m. Stuart Fire, Ambulance and Police and Menlo Fire responded to a single-vehicle rollover accident on I-80

6:31 p.m. Guthrie County Deputy performed a case follow-up in Guthrie Center 

6:33 p.m. Guthrie County Deputy performed a warrant check in Casey 

8:10 p.m. Stuart Police responded to a parking complaint 

8:13 p.m. Panora Ambulance transported a patient from Guthrie County Hospital to Methodist 

9:05 p.m. Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call at Lake Panorama 

10:48 p.m. Guthrie County Deputy responded to a driving complaint on Highway 44



6:19 a.m. Guthrie County Deputy responded to a neighbor complaint in Guthrie Center

7:52 a.m. Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call in Guthrie Center 

11:44 a.m. Guthrie County Deputy performed a case follow-up in Guthrie Center 

12:54 p.m. Guthrie County Deputy assisted a motorist in Yale 

1:39 p.m. Guthrie County Deputy performed a case follow-up in Yale

2:23 p.m. Casey Fire responded to a grass fire near I-80

2:52 p.m. Guthrie County Deputy, Stuart Fire and Ambulance searched for an automated crash detection alert on Wagon Road

3:44 p.m. Guthrie County Deputy responded to a family situation in Guthrie Center 

4:12 p.m. Panora Ambulance transported a patient from Guthrie County Hospital to Methodist

5:35 p.m. Stuart Fire, Ambulance and Police responded to a grass fire near I-80

7:43 p.m. Guthrie County Deputy attempted to serve civil papers in Jamaica 

8:41 p.m. Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call in Bayard 

8:57 p.m. Stuart Police assisted a motorist 

9:14 p.m. Panora Police responded to a report of a suspicious person 

11:57 p.m. Panora Ambulance and Panora Police responded to a medical call in Panora



12:28 a.m. Stuart Police responded to a report of harassment 

9:15 a.m. Guthrie County Deputy followed up on an investigation in Guthrie Center

3:03 p.m. Panora Ambulance and Panora Police responded to a medical call in rural Panora

5:20 p.m. Panora Police followed up on an investigation

5:30 p.m. Guthrie County Deputy responded to a complaint in rural Guthrie Center

5:50 p.m. Guthrie County Deputies followed up on an investigation in Yale

6 p.m. Panora Police followed up on an investigation

6:25 p.m. Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call in Bayard

7:25 p.m. Stuart Police responded to a driving complaint

7:40 p.m. Stuart Police assisted an individual

8 p.m. Guthrie County Deputy responded to a report of a two-vehicle accident in Guthrie Center

8:12 p.m. Stuart Rescue responded to a medical call in Stuart

10:10 p.m. Stuart Rescue responded to a medical call in Stuart

10:27 p.m. Stuart Police assisted State Patrol with an accident on I-80 near Stuart

10:55 p.m. Guthrie County Deputy responded to a welfare check in rural Guthrie Center

Reading, guest speakers and special programs 

By Karen Kelly | Special to the Times Vedette

Because it’s summer reading month, June has been a busy month at the MJB Library. In addition to reading, guest speakers and special programs have been teaching our young patrons many new things and providing many fun experiences. See some of the adventures happening at the library.  

Summer Reading Program participants made flowers which were dusted with “pollen.” Then the “pollinators” traveled from flower to flower. At the end, they were able to get an idea of how valuable butterflies and other pollinators are.

Young bicyclists enthusiastically learned how to take care of their bikes during the MJB Library summer reading bike clinic last week.

Friday morning’s creation stations were popular with kids of all ages.

These summer readers are intently working on a project creating trees out of old puzzles. This year’s theme of “ Read. Renew. Repeat.” encourages participants not only to read but to be environmentally conscious so this craft that repurposes old puzzles fits that theme.

On Monday, Anne Riordan with the DNR shared a video and described her experiences observing the monarch butterfly migration in Mexico.

Hadley Knobbe participated in the bike rodeo on Tuesday, June 11 at the MJB Library as part of the Summer Reading Program.

Summer reading program participants pretended to be monarch butterflies migrating from Iowa to Mexico. This activity gave them a chance to understand the perils and problems of migrating butterflies.

Librarians Ava Campbell and Cass Fronapfel assist young summer reading program participants with a craft at the creation stations on Friday morning.

Bif Ridgway from Bike World takes time to show young bikers how to maintain their bicycles properly during the MJB Library Bike Clinic.

All ages were excited to be at the bike clinic and rodeo last week as part of the summer reading program at the library.

Summer Reading Program Creation Stations are always a bit hit. This year, crafty readers made jelly fish at this creation station.

Card Making Class

Card Making class will meet from 9-11 a.m. on Thursday, June 20. Led by Judy Zimmerline, all the supplies you need to make beautiful cards will be provided for a $5 fee. Stop in and learn how to make beautiful, one-of-a-kind hand-crafted greeting cards. 

Cookbook Class

Cookbook Class meets on Thursday, June 20 beginning at 6:30 p.m. This month’s featured cookbook is the “20th Edition of the Iowa State Fair Cookbook.” Stop by the library to pick out a recipe to bring to the meeting. The cookbook will be available for check out following the meeting.  

Summer Reading Activities

The Guthrie County ISU Extension will be doing a STEM workshop on Wednesday, June 19 entitled “No Monkeys, No Chocolate.” The event begins at 12:30 p.m.  

Friday is an exciting show brought to you by the people from Absolute Science. The Fantastic Foam Show begins at 11 a.m.  The show will be in the Taylor Meeting Room. 

Monday, June 24,  at 1 p.m. is Mindful Coloring Day. Come to the library, and we will have a variety of coloring pages for you to enjoy, relax and do some stress relief with crayons.  

Tuesday, June 25, is the Zoo to You program. A guest from the Blank Park Zoo will be at the library to talk about the zoo and the animals who live there. 

The STEM workshop presented by the Guthrie County ISU extension office on Wednesday, June 26 at 12:30 p.m. The topic is “Here We Are – A Guide to Earth.”  

Summer Reading Participants are reminded that all reading logs must be turned in to the library by the time the library closes on Thursday, June 27. For each log, participants will get a ticket for the final prize drawing.  

Summer Reading Wrap Up will be Friday, June 28, at 11 a.m. You won’t want to miss the fun and the prize drawings that will be happening that morning. 

Rock the Square in Panora 

By Cheryl Castile | Times Vedette

Panora businesses hosted “Rock the Square” on Main Street on Saturday, June 15 from 1-4 p.m. Live music was provided by Kile Jackson at the gazebo, and attendees enjoyed slushies and donuts from PJ’s Mini Donut Trailer.

WSO presents $500 check to Panora Chamber for Panorama Days

Special to the Times Vedette

The Panora WSO (Women’s Service Organization) group presented a $500 check at the Panora Chamber Meeting on June 17 to assist with operational costs for the 2024 Panorama Days. Maureen Lubeck is pictured here with chamber members at Monday’s meeting. 

Weekly Crop Progress and Condition Report — June 18, 2024

From the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship

Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig commented on the Iowa Crop Progress and Condition Report released by the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service. The report is released weekly April through November. Additionally, the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship provides a weather summary each week during this time.

“Summer officially begins this week, and Iowans can expect temperatures that match the season. After the frustrating planting delays, crops seem to be catching up nicely,” said Secretary Naig. “Both corn and soybeans will continue to benefit from the forecasts indicating unseasonable warmth with above average chances for rain through the end of June.”

The weekly report is also available on the USDA’s website at


Crop report

Despite some isolated rain showers, warm temperatures and mostly dry weather resulted in 5.6 days suitable for fieldwork during the week ending June 16, 2024, according to the USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service. Primary field activities were finishing up corn and soybean planting and re-planting. Other field activities included cutting hay and spraying crops.

Topsoil moisture condition rated 1 percent very short, 12 percent short, 77 percent adequate and 10 percent surplus. Subsoil moisture condition rated 2 percent very short, 14 percent short, 75 percent adequate and 9 percent surplus.

Corn emergence is nearing completion at 95 percent. Corn condition rated 74 percent good to excellent. Eighty-six percent of the soybean crop has emerged, almost 2 weeks behind last year and 1 day behind the 5-year average. Soybean condition rated 74 percent good to excellent. Oats headed reached 74 percent, 2 days behind last year but 1 week ahead of the average. Nineteen percent of oats were turning color, 6 days ahead of last year and 13 days ahead of the 5-year average. Oat condition rated 81 percent good to excellent.

The State’s first cutting of alfalfa hay reached 89 percent complete, 6 days behind last year. Hay condition rated 80 percent good to excellent. Pasture condition rated 75 percent good to excellent. Some cattle feedlots remain muddy.


Weather summary

Provided by Justin Glisan, Ph.D., State Climatologist, Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship

The last full week of astronomical spring brought warmth and unseasonable dryness to most of Iowa. Stations in eastern Iowa did not report any measurable rainfall with widespread departures between 0.50 to 1.00 inch elsewhere. Temperatures were three degrees above normal south-central and northwest; the statewide average temperature was 71.9 degrees, 1.8 degrees above normal.

Gusty northwesterly winds developed into Sunday (9th) afternoon under sunny skies and daytime temperatures in the upper 70s and low 80s. Spotty clouds passed through eastern Iowa into Monday (10th) with morning lows in the 50s statewide. Afternoon conditions were pleasant with variable winds and temperatures in the low to mid 70s at most Iowa stations. Winds shifted southerly overnight with Tuesday (11th) morning lows ranging from the low 50s southeast to mid 60s northwest as a low pressure center skirted the Iowa-Minnesota border. Light showers formed along the low’s attendant cold front, though totals were under 0.10 inch across northern and central Iowa as rain dissipated farther east. Afternoon temperatures rose into the upper 80s in northwestern Iowa even as winds shifted northwest behind the front. Stations in eastern Iowa remained in the upper 70s and low 80s. Morning lows on Wednesday (12th) held in the 60s across the state as southerly winds brought in warmer temperatures and higher dewpoints. An outflow boundary from convection in Minnesota fired stronger storms in northeastern Iowa just after noon. These storms continued east with several high wind reports as isolated, severe warned supercells formed in western Iowa and slowly moved south. Hail in the 1.50-2.50-inch diameter range was observed from Sioux City (Woodbury County) to Council Bluffs (Pottawattamie County) with a 3.50-inch hailstone in Onawa (Monona County). Heavier rainfall was also observed along this southward track with 0.63 inch in Blencoe (Monona County) to 1.03 inches in Pacific Junction (Mills County). Stations in the northeast corner also accumulated higher totals with 0.44 inch at Decorah Municipal Airport (Winneshiek County) and 0.65 inch at Lansing (Allamakee County); amounts in between these two regions were in the 0.10-0.25-inch range where rain fell.

Thursday (13th) started unseasonably warm and humid with morning temperatures in the upper 60s to low 70s. A cold front dropped through the state over the next several hours, encountering a warm and unstable airmass over southern Iowa. Supercells quickly developed along with large hail and localized heavy rain. Observers in Keosauqua (Van Buren County) reported 3.00-inch diameter hail while an 80-mph wind gust was observed farther northeast in Oakville (Louisa County). Six stations across Des Moines, Lee and Van Buren counties reported totals ranging from 1.09 inches to 1.73 inches with amounts in the 0.40-0.80-inch range in adjacent locations. Nighttime conditions cooled behind the front with morning lows in the mid to upper 50s over northern Iowa. Friday (14th) was unseasonably warm with low relative humidity and air temperatures in the upper 80s across southern Iowa under sunny skies; temperatures to the north were five to 10 degrees cooler. Winds shifted easterly overnight as an organized complex of thunderstorms, known as a Mesoscale Convective System (MCS) approached Iowa from Nebraska. The MCS brought measurable rain to western Iowa through Saturday (15th) morning and then into the afternoon hours in eastern Iowa. A secondary disturbance with strong to severe thunderstorms moved into Iowa during the evening hours and sped through central to northeast Iowa overnight. Except for Iowa’s southeast corner, totals for the two systems reported at 7:00 am on Sunday (16th) were in the 0.30-to-0.75-inch range with the highest totals north and in the southwest quadrant; Clarinda (Page County) hit an inch with 1.52 inches reported in Kesley (Butler County) and Shenandoah (Page County).

Weekly precipitation totals ranged from no accumulation at multiple stations to 2.59 inches in Spirit Lake (Dickinson County). The statewide weekly average precipitation was 0.62 inch while the normal is 1.19 inches. Little Sioux (Harrison County) reported the week’s high temperature of 95 degrees on the 12th, 13 degrees above normal. Iowa City (Johnson County) reported the week’s low temperature of 43 degrees on the 11th, 15 degrees below normal.