Supervisors move forward with draft for surveying permit ordinance

By Rich Wicks | Times Vedette

During the Feb. 11 regular meeting of the Guthrie County Board of Supervisors, discussion was held regarding the draft of a surveying permit ordinance. County Engineer Josh Sebern stated the ordinance would be applicable for situations such as the Summit pipeline and other similar situations. He noted that surveyors are often unable to find a marker at one spot, so they may need to survey at another spot, and possibly on another landowner’s property, to accurately complete a survey.

Supervisor Maggie Armstrong shared her perspective

“The question is, how do we work within Iowa Code to secure an ordinance that we can then enforce within Guthrie County so that it holds what we need it to hold,” Armstrong said.

Supervisor Brian Johnson said the county is allowed to make such an ordinance but not to supersede or be more restrictive than the state. Johnson advocated for the county to wait to see how ongoing litigation by other counties turns out.

“Why jump into a lawsuit ourselves? Why would we enter that fight right now?” Johnson asked.

The supervisors unanimously approved moving forward with the draft ordinance. There will be multiple readings of the draft in the coming weeks.

Several citizens spoke up during the Public Comments portion of the meeting to weigh-in on the surveying topic.

Budget presentations for the upcoming fiscal year were heard from Veterans Affairs and General Relief, Facilities, and Health Services.

Through March, the Board of Supervisors meets regularly Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9 a.m. The public is welcome to attend in person or via remote technology. To join remotely, call 323-792-6123, then use meeting code 547029216#.

Guthrie Center City Council addresses speed concerns

By Rich Wicks | Times Vedette

At the Feb. 10 meeting of the Guthrie Center City Council, traffic speed was the main topic. The council held the first reading of the proposed Ordinance 2025-02, “Amend Chapter 63, Subsection 63.04- Adjust speed limits on School Street and Bluff Street…” The ordinance would decrease the speed limit on each street from 35 mph to 25 mph. The council unanimously approved the first reading.

The council discussed installing digital speed signage on three spots for traffic entering Guthrie Center (North Highway 25, South Highway 25 and West Highway 44).

City Clerk Kris Arrasmith explained the signage is available free of charge to the city, with the possible exception that the city may have to pay for the sign post. The council consensus was to install the three signs where allowed by the state DOT.

Guthrie County Sheriff Matt Harmann was present and addressed the council regarding coverage and services provided by his department. He discussed the contracted amount of coverage for the city and stressed that the number of hours may fluctuate some from week to week.

“You’ll see some weeks are more than required. Maybe take that into account if we get a busy time. Like right now, we’ve been dealing with a lot of car break-ins around the county,” Harmann said.

The council went into closed session to discuss a possible litigation matter regarding goats.

The next regular meeting of the council is set for Monday, Feb. 24 at 6:30 p.m. The public is welcome.

Faith Bible Church free community meal is Feb. 19

Special to the Times Vedette

The Faith Bible Church free community meal will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 19 from 5:30-6:30 p.m. All are welcome. The menu includes chicken and noodles over mashed potatoes, smothered green beans, dinner rolls and angel food cake with strawberries. 

Faith Bible Church is located at 2096 Highway 4 in Panora. 

DMACC fall semester president’s list

Special to the Times Vedette

Des Moines Area Community College President Rob Denson recently released the names of students eligible for the Fall Semester President’s List. To be eligible, a student must have completed a minimum of six credits and earned a 4.0 grade point average for that semester

Those recognized from the area include:

  • Presley Buttler, Agribusiness, Guthrie Center
  • Karla Crawley, Computer Information Systems, Guthrie Center
  • Xander Crawley, Computer Information Systems, Guthrie Center
  • Melany Demello, Business Administration, Guthrie Center
  • Jackson Sloss, Accounting Specialist, Guthrie Center
  • Lindsay LaFreniere, Patient Access Specialist, Panora

Dodge overturns on 315th Street

Special to the Times Vedette

Guthrie County Deputy Sheriff Taylor Wheatley reported a single-vehicle accident occurring on Feb. 8 at 2:12 p.m. on 315th Road.  Alexander Michael Oponski, 35, of Adel was driving a 2013 Dodge Journey Crew eastbound on 315th Street at excessive speeds and lost control and entered the south ditch. The vehicle struck a culvert coming underneath 315thStreet and overturned before impacting the ground a second time approximately 30 feet from the first impact area. Oponski refused medical treatment and was booked into the Guthrie County Jail on charges unrelated to the accident. The vehicle was totaled. Oponski was charged with failure to maintain control. 

Kia collides with deer on Highway 44

Special to the Times Vedette

Guthrie County Sheriff Matt Harmann reported a car vs. deer accident occurring on Feb. 7 at 7:20 p.m. on Highway 44. Carrie Lynn Stein, 48, of Guthrie Center, was driving a 2024 Kia Telluride EX east on Highway 44. When approaching the west side of the river bridge, a deer came out of the south ditch traveling north across the highway. Stein was unable to avoid contact with the deer and struck the animal, causing an estimated $5,000 in damage to the vehicle.