Black & Gold — June 18, 2024

Rasmussen to continue work with disabled

By BRYAN BEER | Black and Gold Staff Writer

While some students plan from their freshman year to be on a college track, others choose to join the workforce straight out of high school. This is the case for Hunter Rasmussen.

“I’ve thought about college, but there’s a lot of good and bad things about it,” Hunter said.

Hunter decided to stray away from college to find work straight out of high school, though he plans to take online college courses.

“The online college would be for fashion and clothing design, something I’ve always been passionate about,” Hunter said when describing the courses he plans to take.

Hunter currently works in Adel at Advantages in Life where he helps the mentally disabled.

“That’s kind of from my family background, my mom does the same work, and my dad has been a police officer and also used to help people with disabilities,” Hunter said. He plans to work there for a year or two before he starts his online college courses.

“Outside of school, I play a lot of basketball and I do a lot of weight lifting,” Hunter said.

Hunter lifts weights and plays basketball almost every day, staying consistent with his schedule.

“I had an injury over the summer, and I had to work out to help it heal,” Hunter said.

After his injury healed, he stuck with his workout schedule and continues to lift six days a week.


Arrasmith plans future as conservation officer

By JESLYN ORTEGA | Black & Gold Staff Writer

When looking outside, you may find Bo Arrasmith working as a conservation officer studying fish, game and parks.

“I would be a fishery biologist, forestry biologist or a wildlife biologist, ”Arrasmith said.

He had several thoughts about his high school career at ACGC.

“I have learned quite a bit throughout my high school career. It may not have been fun, and I would rather be working, but it is almost over and I know I will miss it,” he said. “I think the teachers have impacted me the most throughout high school because no matter if I needed help or wanted to learn more, they were always there to assist me.”

Throughout his high school years, Arrasmith participated in track, golf, cross country, baseball and speech.

“I would encourage everyone to try speech at least for a year because it has a contest for everyone,” he said.


Solorzano plans to attend Simpson, Iowa State

By CAYDENCE BOALS | Black & Gold Editor

Anthony Solorzano is an ACGC class of 2024 senior. He has been involved in football, basketball and track throughout his highs school career and lettered in each sport all four years.

When asked what his favorite memory from high school was, he said, “My favorite high school memory would be experiencing the Bosnian War.”

Anthony’s future plans are to attend Simpson to play football and then transfer to Iowa State to finish his college education.

When asked what advice Anthony could give to underclassmen students, he stated, “If I were to give advice to a underclassman, I would tell them to take every opportunity they have to do something different and experience something new because that’s all what high school is about. It’s about finding out who you really are.”


Schafer plans career in marketing

By JESLYN ORETGA | Black & Gold Staff Writer

Katelyn’s Schafer personality is outgoing and kind. She is involved in a lot of extracurriculars such as track, Leo’s Club, FCCLA, National Honors Society, DECA, soccer and cross country.

When asked for any advice, she states, “All of the team sports that I have been a part of, they teach you the value of hard work for self-improvement as well as how to put others before yourself for the benefit of your team.”

Schafer is planning on attending Iowa State University, majoring in marketing. Marketing is a career that promotes selling products and services.

Schafer’s favorite memory from her childhood was when her dad taught her how to ride a bike.

Throughout her high school career, her friends have had a big impact.

“I would say my friends have impacted me the most throughout high school because they have shaped me into who I am today and influence me to strive to be a better person.”

Schafer’s final thoughts on high school are: “It has been a wonderful opportunity to learn and grow and has adequately prepared me for my future.”


Mahaffey plans future in music

By LAURIN DAVIS and ERIC COOP | The Black & Gold

Andrew Mahaffey, son of Karla and Alan Mahaffey, is planning to change the world, one music note at a time.

Mahaffey plans to attend Central College in Pella, majoring in music with a focus in composing and conducting music. 

“It’s always been such a large part of my life,” he said. “This year, I was lucky enough to do an independent study with Mrs. Dinkla and Mrs. Babcock. With that, I was doing many projects through the year of writing music and being able to perform it and teach it to students, and I found that to be very rewarding, so I want to continue that and make it my life.”

Mahaffey will also run for the Dutch Cross Country and Track teams. 

While at ACGC, he participated in marching band, serving as the drum major, concert band, vocal music, the school musical, ran cross country and track, and played baseball. He also helped complete the 2023-24 yearbook.

“I think everybody should do as much as they can right now,” he said. “One, we’re young so we have the freedom to do that. You won’t be able to play football, baseball or those other sports when you’re 40, 50 years old down the line. And, also, that’s the blessing we have with a small school. You get to be involved with so many different things and see success. You go talk to kids at Waukee or Johnston, and they’re focused on one thing and it’s an all-year-around thing, whereas we specialize in literally everything.”

Mahaffey said he would tell underclassmen that while they need to prioritize their academics, they still need to have fun. 

Panther Print — May 28, 2024


By Addie Astley, Miranda Laabs and Peyton Walker, sophomores, staff writers

Mental health is one of the most important things in our lives. Keeping our mental health well is something everybody should be worried about. From childhood to adulthood, mental health should be important through every stage. Mental health affects how we act, feel and think. Having a healthy mental state is a part of having a happy life. Having a low mental health can affect you, the people around you, and your relationships without even meaning to. Everybody should be having monthly to weekly personal checkups to make sure their mental selves are good.

Having a low mental health is unhealthy for a person. It has many negative side effects like tiredness, low energy, paranoia, delusions, problems, coping with problems or stress and depression. There are ways to improve your mental health better like taking a mental health day, talking to someone, eating a brain-healthy diet, relaxing and staying active. These can all improve your mental state and help it become better. Giving yourself a mental break is an important step when growing as a person and an adult.

Throughout every stage of life, mental health is important. Our mental health affects how we think, act and feel. More than one in five U.S. adults are affected with a mental illness. And along with that, one in five children between the ages 13-18 live with some type of debilitating mental illness. Many different factors can contribute to someone’s mental state. Some factors may include adverse childhood experiences, trauma or medical conditions, as well as use of drugs or alcohol. Someone’s mental state can change over time, and no days are exactly the same. Demands that are placed on someone can be too much at some times, and this could impact someone’s mental health.

School can be stressful, and a student’s mental health can be hurt with too much stress. Adequate sleep, nutrition and exercise are crucial to maintaining mental health. Some schools and colleges have programs and services to help aid mental health. 

This can affect people in many ways. For example, it can cause kids to act out. Mental health problems are common and need to be addressed in schools. Only 40% of students with emotional behavior graduate from high school. One of the problems families run into is the teachers not recognizing the behaviors. All kids’ behaviors are different, so not all schools can take the same action.

Kids with mental disorders need different kinds of help from the school system to function properly. Kids with anxiety should be treated differently than kids with physical or different mental disorders. Kids with problems at home could struggle because they’re worried about what might happen when they get home. As a parent, you could take action and get them into the right schools to help them get treated correctly. It would also be helpful to talk with the teachers before school starts so they know what would happen. These are just some of the steps and reasons people could take.

Information for this article was taken from-



By Maggie McCarthy and Addie Astley, sophomores, staff writers

Exercise improves your life in more ways than you might think. First, exercise strengthens your bones and muscles and helps you manage weight. Having a healthy weight is important so you can do everyday activities and reduce the risk of diseases. Second, the more you exercise, the better you will sleep. Good sleep helps you manage your mood including your self-esteem.

Furthermore, exercise not only helps you physically but also mentally. Studies show that the more you move, the more your brain releases “feel-good chemicals.” These chemicals include endorphins and serotonin. Additionally, exercise boosts self-esteem, which is also your confidence and how you handle stress. In conclusion, everyone should be exercising for at least 30 minutes every day.

There are many benefits of exercising at least 30 minutes a day regularly. What daily exercise can do for your body is help maintain or lose weight, as well as strengthen your bones and muscles, help your ability to stay active and do everyday tasks, and boost your metabolism. It can also help with your appearance and how you look.

Daily exercise cannot only help your body but improve your mental health, too. Exercise can improve your brain health and reduce risks of diseases and health problems. It can also improve your mood, boosts your energy and promotes better sleep. In addition, exercise doesn’t have to be dreadful. Find something that you like doing and enjoy it, have friends join in and socialize.

Information for this article was gathered from



By Miranda Laabs, sophomore, staff writer

On May 28, Panorama students who are members of National Honor Society, Student Council, and the Service Program went to Greenfield to provide assistance with cleanup. Students took a bus to Greenfield and spent their day helping to pick up debris that had been scattered around due to the tornado that had gone through days before.

Students who participated in this were Gabe Wagner, Cole Carstens, Brayden Meinecke, Nate Geckler, Miranda Laabs, Gracie Recker, Ava Thompson, Aryilan Steenblock, Tyme Boettcher, Jaidyn Sellers, Jessica Randol, Zoey Hambleton, Elizabeth Snyder, Madelyn Carstens, Kelsey Laabs, Alexis Wasson, Faith Recker, Joel Cooper, Eli Cooper, Baylyn Herring, Karleen Ploeger and Natasha Inaty.

All of their work was appreciated. Thank you to all who came and volunteered. More help is needed for the Greenfield community. Supplies and donations of water, clothes, first aid, etc. can be donated as well.



By Holliday Mertens, freshman, staff writer

In school, you might meet new people you otherwise would have never known. You can connect with this person and like each other to the point you become friends. Friends can make someone excited to go to school, where they otherwise might be bored. Especially in high school, it is important to have friends to get you through the day. Here are some things to keep in mind when making friends in high school.

Only become friends with someone you want to become friends with. If you become friends with people because they or someone else forced you to, it will not be a good friendship. Don’t make too many friends either. Once you walk across the stage to graduate, you will never see a lot of your classmates ever again, including friends. Of course, you can stay in touch with the people you like the most but don’t get too attached to someone. One final piece of advice is to not worry about romantic relationships. Most likely, these relationships will not last past high school, so, once again, don’t get too attached to someone you will likely never see again after you graduate.



By Marlee Herring, eighth grader, staff writer

May 29 was the last day of school. Students in grades 6-11 started the day with a year-end assembly. Students were honored for being on both the middle school and high school softball and baseball teams and wished good luck for their seasons. Other students were acknowledged for being on the honor roll terms 1, 2 or 3, being TEAMS competition participants, and receiving PBIS awards. Both middle school and high school student councils for next year were announced as well.

To celebrate the last day of school, students had a luau. The students had lunch and were allowed to sit outside, play games and socialize. Some of the games included corn hole, spike ball and a dunk tank. There was also a food truck that sold doughnuts. Students had the chance to have a fun last day full of activities. This tradition will hopefully continue for years to come so students can have a fun end of the year.

Panther Print — May 28, 2024


By Maddy Carstens, junior, and Miranda Laabs, sophomore, staff writers

Students at Panorama are finishing up their last week at school. As we were supposed to get out of school originally on May 22nd, things changed on this date. With snow days, winter problems, and altogether bad weather, the school has had to miss a couple of days. So, the school needed to push back the end-of-the-year date. The new date that students are getting out of school is May 29th. As we wrap up the year, students will be completed their final tests on May 23-24. 

Last week, students were trying their best to focus and get their studying done. Since the school had a break on Memorial Day, they returned to school on May 28th and May 29th, their final week of school. On the 29th, students will be getting out early at 1pm, with the High School Student Council hosting a luau. 

With classes finishing tests and assignments, students could start to relax and feel summer approaching faster and faster. Summer break is upon us, congrats to everyone getting through the year.

During the summer Panorama will be competing in softball and baseball games. Athletes in football and volleyball will be starting open gyms as well. There will be various camps for youth sports during the summer. Including volleyball, basketball, and football. The summer is a good way to spend time with family and friends, and to get outside. Towards the end of summer, Panora will be hosting the annual Panorama Days. There will be plenty of activities for your families to participate in. Hoping everyone has a good summer.



By Peyton Walker, sophomore, staff writer

Mr. Mac, Mrs. Lindstrom’s middle school art teacher, inspired her to get into art, he inspired her to draw (because he could draw anything), and he’d do many other things like yell out the most random things to draw, and Mrs. Lindstrom would draw them. Her high school art teacher Ms. Anderson was just an amazing person, and she made her students think outside the box. Mrs. Lindstrom went to ADM K-12 and she went to college at the University of Northern Iowa for her B.A. in Art Education, and then she attended Boston University for her master’s in art education. She chose to be an art teacher because her friend had asked if she would have been interested in teaching art to elementary students her junior year in college. She loves it so much she started teaching every Sunday at the Hearst Center for the Arts, after that she decided to change her major to art education. If someone told her they wanted to teach she would tell them that there is no job more important than guiding our youth to be successful. She enjoys teaching painting and ceramics the most, but she enjoys the classes in visual arts. 

Some of her favorite things about teaching are to inspire the students and to help them see their talents and their strengths. She loves getting to know her students and having conversations with them, the laughter her students and coworkers share is very uplifting. She first started working at Panorama School in 1997, she taught at the elementary for 18 years and she taught at the secondary school for 7 years. She took three years off of teaching to work in her own art, but during that time she subbed at Panorama and ACGC. 

She loves working in the Panorama District because she loves the town and the community, she loves the staff and she feels as though our community supports the art program. One of the biggest things she has learned is that technology has changed so the way she has to teach will have to change as well. Her biggest challenge is time management, she feels as though she never has enough time to do what she needs. Her favorite part about her classroom is the 2-D art and a side for Ceramics or 3-D art, she feels that it is a spectacular art studio for students. 



By Miranda Laabs, sophomore, staff writer

Mrs. Olive, one of Panorama High School’s special education teachers, has been teaching for nine years. She started out in Texas, teaching for seven years. This is now her second year at Panorama, teaching in the special education program. Ever since she was in kindergarten, she wanted to become a teacher. She had phases where she would think about other career choices, but teaching was her goal. 

When asked what her greatest accomplishment was, Mrs. Olive stated she doesn’t feel as if she can give credit to herself alone for her accomplishments, because it has been God who has allowed her to do the things she has done. She was named teacher of the year at the district she had previously taught at. After moving from Texas to Guthrie Center, Mrs. Olive and her family had many obstacles in their way. Knowing her children are being raised in a safe place and surrounded by people who love them has been a great accomplishment for her. Trying to balance teaching, being a mom and coaching is a challenge that Mrs. Olive has faced. She is taking classes to finish her master’s degree in special education.

There are no perfect days, but when asked what an “ideal” day would look like, Mrs. Olive described it as: sleeping in and making breakfast with her husband and two daughters; playing UNO; going to garage sales; and going to lunch at Chick-fil-A, ending the day at her parents’ house, riding four-wheelers and sitting at the campfire. 

Next school year, Mrs. Olive is looking forward to teaching in the same district as her husband. The two of them have made a great team in ministry, so working together at school will also be amazing. She is looking forward to building their youth group as well (The Swamp). ________________________________________________________________


By Marlee Herring, eighth grader, staff writer

This June, a group of students and Ms. Wooldridge will be traveling to visit New York City. They will be leaving on June 6 and will return June 10. While there, they will visit many fun and astonishing places. They will see shows on Broadway and will go to many famous places in New York like Times Square and Central Park. They will only be there for a short while, but their schedules are packed and full of fun. Safe travels and good luck.



By Bjoërg Skovgaard, sophomore, staff writer

This summer will not be boring with these fun activities to do with friends and family. Enjoy a nice picnic outside or at a park. Make a good lunch and play games. Just grab a blanket or two and have fun. This summer is also a time when we can try new things like flying a kite, golfing or fishing. It’s not a real summer without ice cream. How about making your own sweet-frozen treat to cool you down?

This is the summer for outdoor activities, so why not go camping or on a hiking trip? The best part of camping is that you don’t have to go into a forest. You can set up a tent in your backyard and have an amazing time with family grilling and making s’mores. We all know it gets hot outside, which means swimming and water balloon fights. Have a great summer with lots of fun.




By Lillie Greenlee, freshman, staff writer

Social media impacts everyone more than we probably think. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it can be. Most everyone is using social media today. Some of the things people post are good but some are also bad. It also depends on how people see the post. It’s definitely fun and can be used in many different ways. It’s really fun to have different ways to connect with people, and you can be creative and innovative. However, it’s easy to spend too much time on it. 

Social media is impactful for users in both good and bad ways. It’s definitely the most impactful for teens. Teens are easily influenced, and both good and bad things that they see can impact them. Some good things about social media would be the people who try to spread positivity and helpfulness to others. Social media is also entertaining and is a great way for people to interact, connect and be creative. 

On the other hand, social media can be destructive. Since teens are easily influenced, they could see something bad and they’re more likely to be influenced. They could also see someone and get jealous, which can be mentally harsh for some teens. A lot of things on social media are fake or edited, but a lot of immature teens don’t think about that. So, social media can be a good thing, but it’s good to be mindful while using it. 

Cribbage results from May 24

Special to the Times Vedette

On May 24, a total of 10 players participated. Dan Webb produced a 16 right away, Kal Phippen wiggled in an 18, and Deb Kiefer had a 16, but Robert Klever came up with a 17 and a 20.

The Guthrie Center cribbage players meet at Guthrie Center Library on Mondays at 8 a.m., at the assisted living rec room at 8 a.m. on Wednesdays, and at the Guthrie Center Activity Center at 1 p.m. on Fridays. Organizers say there is always room for more, and they will be glad to teach you how to play. They play for quarters on Wednesday and Friday. For more information, email

Black & Gold — May 28, 2024

AC/GC Leo’s Club member Payton Policky carries a case of water while Becca Littler places another case of water on an ATV. The water and supplies were donated by the AC/GC community for the Greenfield community after a devastating tornado struck the city on May 21.

NHS collects donations for Greenfield

By Max Sills | Black and Gold Staff Writer

ACGC’s National Honors Society has collected donations for Greenfield to help the people in need after an EF-4 tornado flattened more than half the town.

The NHS collected water bottles, Gatorade, baby items, food, personal hygiene products and other supplies to give to Greenfield after this tragedy.

People can help by continuing to donate and spread information about this tragedy.

“We understand that these people have lost more than we could imagine, so helping out in any way possible would be great,” Charger NHS member Jathan South said.

ACGC and Nodaway Valley are rival sports teams, but that doesn’t matter in this case.

“We might be rivals in sports, but when it comes to people needing help, we are not rivals at all,” South said. “We would do anything to help people in need because that is much more important than any sports game.”


Tornado hits Greenfield

By Jeslyn Ortega | Black & Gold Staff Writer

Many lives were upended May 21 when a tornado struck Greenfield, but students at ACGC High School are lending a helping hand to our Highway 25 rivals.

The community has come together and is doing a donation drive for those in need. The football team, volleyball team, DECA Leo’s Club and FFA are involved.

“We are coming together as a community, and it’s what you do for those in need. We are putting aside our differences and coming together because that is what they would do if it was the other way around,” DECA advisor Jennifer Betterton said.

Betterton said they are making sure they bring in enough items and goods that would help out the community and are helping with labor with tasks like taking trees down.

Panther Print — May 21, 2024

Trey Boettcher, Maddox Hammerstrom, Parker Cary, Coach Connor Osbahr, Brayden Galvan, Evan Powell, and Zander Hammerstrom. Photo by Kylee Boettcher


By Maddy Carstens, junior, staff writer

The Panorama varsity boys golf team has made quite an impact on Panorama. By putting the hours and work into the sport, boys golf has been doing well during their season. Last week, they competed in the determining factor of going to state, state qualifying. These boys had nothing to fear, though. The team won the state qualifying meet on their very own home course.

The boys varsity team consists of Evan Powell, Parker Cary, Maddox Hammerstrom, Trey Boettcher, Brayden Galvan and Zander Hammerstrom, along with their head coach, Connor Osbahr. They will be competing on Monday and Tuesday, May 20 and 21. The state meet is at Cold Water Golf Links in Ames. We wish them all the best as they compete. Congratulations to these boys.



By Addie Astley, sophomore, staff writer 

Ms. Deb Wooldridge is an English and language arts teacher at Panorama High School. Ms. Wooldridge grew up in Panora and West Des Moines, where she attended Panora/Linden schools. She has been teaching for 19 years total, and 18 of her years have been at Panorama High School. She coaches drama and speech, both individual and large groups, and has for 12 years, as well as the school play for the last 10 years. When Ms. Wooldridge came to Panorama Schools, she started as a TAG teacher. Then she started to coach speech, and then an English position opened up and she took it. She became the high school English and language arts teacher and has been for the past 10 years.

Ms. Wooldridge’s favorite part about being an English and language arts teacher is getting to work with wonderful students and seeing them grow and mature through the years. She also enjoys her stories and the literature she teaches and how she gets to share it with her students. We are lucky and thankful to have Ms. Wooldridge at Panorama High School.




By Maddy Carstens, junior, staff writer

The time has finally come and is now past. Panorama High School’s graduates have officially left the building. Their new lives are beginning. The final step has been taken. Whether it be college, trades or even working, Panorama High School seniors all have a bright future ahead of them.

On Sunday, May 12, Panorama High School’s seniors arrived at the school, caps and gowns in hand. Once all the family members and friends of each graduate entered the auditorium and took their seats, the graduates all filed in with  eagerness in their eyes. Once everyone had entered, the ceremony began. Valedictorians Mia Waddle, Zoey Hambleton and Maddox Nunn read speeches. Some contained memories, some with advice, and some with words of wisdom and hope. Superintendent Kasey Huebner also read his speech to the graduating class. The ceremony consisted of two videos; one had each graduate’s baby and senior picture. The other video consisted of pictures filled with memories from over the years. Finally, the graduates lined up, ready to take the next step in their lives. Each graduate’s name was called. They walked across the stage, received a handshake, flower and their diploma, then sat back down whilst awaiting the rest of their classmates. Once everyone had received their diplomas, all of the graduates stood up, turned around, and switched their tassels to the other side of their caps. Congratulations, class of 2024, your future awaits you.



By Marlee Herring, eighth grader, staff writer

Summer is quickly approaching, and it might be appealing to forget school for a while, but it is important to stay engaged in learning. According to the Wallace Foundation, students who engage in summer learning perform 20-25% better in math and 20-23% better in reading. It also supports obtaining higher scores on social and emotional assessments. It can be a great time to get caught up in subjects you may have struggled with during the school year. Summer learning can also help prepare for upcoming classes. provides four tips for students who want to continue learning over the summer.

  1. Get familiar with online learning systems.
  2. Set up daily study time and try to focus on a certain subject each day.
  3. Use independent learning resources such as doing research, setting goals, and monitoring your progress.
  4. Study with friends, which can be a very fun and easy way to connect over the summer.

According to, four of the best summer school activities are:

  1. Reading programs
  2. Stem camps
  3. Art classes
  4. Music lessons

Start preparing now for how you will stay engaged in learning this summer.



By Lillie Greenlee, freshman, staff writer

Even though people say you should enjoy the time you have with people, and you don’t really think much of it, you should. You tend to think you have more time than you actually do. And after you are out of time, you feel regretful and like you wasted the time you could’ve been cherishing. For example, maybe there’s a grandparent who passes, and maybe you didn’t go see him or her as much as you could’ve. I know for me, personally, that would fill me with regret and sadness.

Maybe it’s not a grandparent passing but a sibling moving away and you didn’t spend enough time with him or her or you weren’t very kind. You will probably feel upset in the end. When you still have the time, you probably just don’t think about what comes after. However, it’s important that you cherish the time that you still have with people or even in a certain place. You will probably regret it if you don’t.



By Peyton Walker, sophomore, staff writer

Even though typing might take longer than handwriting, is it better or worse for your own brain? Studies looked at 36 university students for the answer. By writing, it might make it easier to remember what you’re writing and learning. They experimented in many different ways by having them do different tests with writing and thinking, while they had a cap of sensors on their head to monitor their brains. The monitors on the brains showed their cell activity and the brain communication.

Typing hardly activated the brain, as it was underwhelming for it. Pressing in the keyboards is not as challenging as writing down the numbers itself. Writing by hand has sensory and motor system skills that help. While writing shows the difference between the letter as typing, all letters are the same. Small parts of the brain are activated during typing but very little. These are just some facts about typing, writing and brain activity.

Information gathered from