Hagan and Ericson win flights Aug. 27 in Panorama West Tuesday Men’s Golf League 

Special to the Times Vedette

The Tuesday men’s golf league at Panorama West had 28 players for the shootout on Aug. 27. The first flight was won by Dan Hagan with Chip Hansen second, Jerry Armstrong third and Ben Carr fourth. Ted Ericson won flight 2 with Lyle Hansen placing second, Jason Wolf placing third and Jerry Landry placing fourth. Flight 3 was won by John Muenzenberger with Cliff Wendel second John Peters third and Phil Rivera fourth. Next week will be the final play for the year with a tournament and banquet.

Higgins named assistant coach at UMES

By Rich Wicks | Times Vedette

Janelle Higgins

The University of Maryland Eastern Shore (UMES) announced the hiring of Janelle Higgins as an assistant coach for the softball program. This is her first coaching position at the NCAA Division I level. Higgins is a graduate of Panorama High School and the daughter of Jean Higgins of Yale.

Higgins most recently served as head coach of softball at North Platte Community College (NPCC). Under her leadership, the North Platte Knights captured the Region IX Division II championships in 2012, 2015, 2017 and 2021 with Higgins earning Region IX Division II Coach of the Year honors each of those years. Her leadership was also recognized with the Nebraska Community College Athletic Conference Coach of the Year awards in 2012 and 2017, and she was named Co-Coach of the Year in 2016.

Before her role at NPCC, Higgins worked at Dawson Community College in Glendive, Montana, where she served as the head softball coach, assistant basketball coach, faculty member, and director of Campus Corps. Under her leadership, the Lady Buccaneers achieved notable success, including a second-place finish in the Mon-Dak Conference and a fourth-place finish in the regional tournament. Higgins also held coaching positions at Southwestern Community College and Saydel High School, where she played a key role in leading her teams to state tournament appearances and high rankings.

Higgins holds a bachelor of science in education from Northwest Missouri State University and a master of science in recreation and sports science from Ohio University.

Iowa Utilities Commission issues pipeline permit for Summit Carbon Solutions

By Clark Kauffman | Iowa Capital Dispatch

The Iowa Utilities Commission has issued a construction permit for Summit Carbon Solutions’ proposed hazardous liquid pipeline across Iowa.

The commission’s decision on Wednesday was not unexpected given a June 25 order in which the panel issued a final decision approving the project while requiring Summit Carbon to submit numerous filings demonstrating compliance with regulatory requirements before a construction permit would be issued.

The commission also required the company to secure and maintain a $100 million insurance policy, and agree to compensate landowners for any damages that result from the pipeline’s construction.

On Aug. 5, Summit Carbon submitted the required compliance filings, clearing the way for the permit to be issued.

The commission issued the permit without modifying the previously imposed conditions Summit Carbon must meet in order to begin construction — the most significant of which is that the project must be approved by regulators in North Dakota and South Dakota.

The company hopes to begin construction next year with the goal of making the pipeline operational in 2026. The pipeline, which would be the largest of its kind anywhere in the world, would carry liquified carbon dioxide from ethanol plants in Iowa and surrounding states to a site in North Dakota, where the company still hopes for approval of a previously denied permit.

The pipeline would cross more than 2,000 miles across five states, including nearly 700 miles in Iowa. In planning the pipeline, Summit has partnered with 57 ethanol plants and the company says it has signed voluntary easement agreements with 75% of the Iowa route’s landowners.

In giving its approval to the project, the Iowa Utilities Commission has stated that Summit will be able to use eminent domain in Iowa to force the sale of land from property owners who are opposed to the use of the property for the project.

The Iowa House approved legislation the past two sessions that would have given landowners more leverage over pipeline negotiations.

In 2023, the House passed a bill requiring pipeline companies to obtain voluntary easements for 90% of their routes before they could use eminent domain for the rest.

This year, the House voted to allow landowners who are subject to eminent domain requests by carbon dioxide pipeline companies to challenge the legitimacy of those requests in court earlier in the permit proceedings. Neither bill advanced in the Senate.

The proposed pipeline has been the focus of intense public debate over the past 30 months, with farmers, environmentalists and pipeline safety advocates voicing their opposition. In August 2023, Summit was denied permits in North Dakota, and one month later it was denied permits in South Dakota.

In the two and half years since the Iowa Utilities Commission first began weighing Summit’s permit application, the panel has filed tens of thousands of pages of testimony and exhibits, heard testimony from more than 200 witnesses, and considered 4,180 comments, objections and letters of support for the project.

Tall Corn State

Corn grows out of a tree at the home of Susan Morrell (1005 State St.) in Guthrie Center.

By Rich Wicks | Times Vedette 

Iowa has long been known as the Tall Corn State, but this corn plant is taking that concept to a new height by growing out of the top of a tree at the home of Susan Morrell (1005 State St.) in Guthrie Center. The corn growers’ adage of “Knee high by the Fourth of July” might be amended to “Twenty feet in the air by the Guthrie County Fair.”

Guthrie Center Fire Department receives $25K grant from Prairie Meadows

Derek Betts receives a check from Jacob Hedgecock and Samantha Kane of Prairie Meadows. Also pictured, back row, are Cory Campbell, Randy Sheeder, Cody Sheeder, Chuck Cleveland and C J Melton.

By Rich Wicks | Times Vedette

The Guthrie Center Fire Department applied for and received $25,000 from the Prairie Meadows Community Betterment Grant. The money will be used to upgrade the communication system within the fire department with new handheld radios and radios in the trucks.