By Rich Wicks | Times Vedette
During the regular meeting of the Guthrie Center city council on Feb. 12, the council returned to the topic of large storage containers that some homeowners use on their properties either briefly or long-term.
The council voted to approve the second reading of Ordinance 2024-01 “Adopting Chapter 154 Temporary Storage Containers.” The council then voted to waive the third reading and immediately adopt the ordinance. Council member Fidel Hernandez was the sole “nay” vote.
City Clerk Kris Arrasmith shared with the council that she submitted a grant to the Guthrie County Community Foundation for the new park equipment and the shelter house that was talked about at the last meeting. “I don’t know when we’ll hear, but fingers crossed,” she said. The estimated project costs came in at slightly less than $50,000.
As part of the consent agenda, the council approved a beer/liquor/tobacco permit for the Guthrie County Ag Society (fair board) and a building permit for a portable shed at 1101 North St. (Baird).
The council’s next meeting will be Monday, Feb. 26. The public is welcome.