Guthrie County Supervisors approve $345,000 patching of Yale/Springbrook Road
By Rich Wicks | Times Vedette
At the March 25 meeting of the Guthrie County Board of Supervisors, the supervisors unanimously voted to adopt Resolution 25-20 (Resolution Directing the Guthrie County Attorney to File a Petition to Intervene on Behalf of Guthrie County in Iowa Utilities Commission Docket Number HLP-2024-0004).
Brian Hoffman provided a departmental update regarding information technology. He shared the status of various equipment and said efforts are ongoing to weed out equipment that is no longer used.
“It’s good to eliminate what you don’t need, so you can see what you do need,” Hoffman said.
County Engineer Josh Sebern provided a departmental update regarding secondary roads. Sebern also described proposed Resolution 25-21: Contract for Project FM-C039(102).
“This is pertaining to a project…for patching of the Yale-Springbrook road,” Sebern said. “We had eight bidders…and the lowest bid was $345,000, thereabouts, by Midwest (Midwest Contractors Inc.)…This resolution does two things. It awards the contract to Midwest, and it authorizes me to sign the contract,” Sebern said. The supervisors approved the resolution.
A public hearing was held at 10:30 a.m. on the Fiscal Year 2026 proposed property tax notice.
Through March, the supervisors meet regularly Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9 a.m. The public is welcome to attend in person or via remote technology. To join remotely, call 323-792-6123, then use meeting code 547029216#.