By Karen Kelly | Special to the Times Vedette

On July 5 and 6, the Mary J. Barnett Library hosted class displays, class composites and Al Bell videos during the All-School Reunion. Saturday, Don Todd, Jr. presented a performance of his talk called “A Tale of Two Soldiers” about how his father, Dr. Donald Todd, Sr., and Dr. Herbert Neff during World War II and how they came to set up a medical practice in Guthrie Center. 

Story Hour

After a month-long hiatus, the preschool Story Hour will resume at 10 a.m. on Friday, July 12. The topic will be bugs. Story Hour is geared for pre-k youngsters, but everyone is welcome. Story Hour will be every Friday at 10 a.m.

Card Making Club

Card Making Club will meet on Thursday, July 18, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Led by Judi Zimmerline, participants will learn to make stunning, hand-made greeting cards. The $5 fee covers the cost of all provided materials. 

Cookbook Club

Cookbook Club will meet on Thursday, July 18 at 6:30 p.m. This month’s recipes will come from 2024 Taste of Home Magazines. Stop by the library to choose a recipe. Bring your prepared dish to the Cookbook Club to share and discuss recipes.

Friends of the Library

Community members who would like to join Friends of the Library are invited to come to the next meeting on Monday, Aug. 5 at 6:15 p.m. If you’re looking for an opportunity to volunteer your time in a meaningful way for our community, Friends of the Library is the organization for you. 

Magic Show

Kids, keep your calendar open on Wednesday, Aug. 7. The library will be hosting a magic show at 3:30 p.m. that day. Kids of all ages will enjoy this entertaining afternoon.

Adventure Pass

If you haven’t used an Adventure Pass to go to the Blank Park Zoo, the Des Moines Children’s Museum, or the Science Center of Iowa, go online to the MJB Library website to sign up. The adventure pass provides free admission for two adults and two children to these locations. See the website for more details. 

Many visitors to the MJB Library stopped in to enjoy the Al Bell videos during the All School Reunion.

Be sure to stop at the library during July to enjoy the collection of Americana Santas, bears and Longaberger baskets on loan from Glenda Bascom for the month.

While you’re out and about, make a stop at the library to see this beautiful quilt on loan to the library from Glenda Bascom. The quilt, which is the Lone Star pattern, was hand pieced and hand quilted by Beulah Whitman, Dr. Steve Bascom’s grandmother. The extraordinary quilt was a wedding gift to the Bascoms.

All School Reunion Guests enjoyed the display of class photo composites displayed in the Taylor Meeting Room.

The response to Donald Todd, Jr.’s talk at the MJB Library was so well attended that a second presentation was scheduled on Saturday afternoon.

Donald Todd, Jr. gave a repeat performance of his talk entitled “A Tale of Two Soldiers,” chronicling the history of his father’s medical practice in Guthrie Center. Dr. Donald Todd, Sr., and Dr. Herbert Neff came to Guthrie Center and began a successful medical practice in Guthrie Center following World War II.

Guthrie Center All School Reunion attendees visit while waiting for the presentation by Donald Todd, Jr. on Saturday after the parade.