By Karen Kelly | Special to the Times Vedette

Because it’s summer reading month, June has been a busy month at the MJB Library. In addition to reading, guest speakers and special programs have been teaching our young patrons many new things and providing many fun experiences. See some of the adventures happening at the library.  

Summer Reading Program participants made flowers which were dusted with “pollen.” Then the “pollinators” traveled from flower to flower. At the end, they were able to get an idea of how valuable butterflies and other pollinators are.

Young bicyclists enthusiastically learned how to take care of their bikes during the MJB Library summer reading bike clinic last week.

Friday morning’s creation stations were popular with kids of all ages.

These summer readers are intently working on a project creating trees out of old puzzles. This year’s theme of “ Read. Renew. Repeat.” encourages participants not only to read but to be environmentally conscious so this craft that repurposes old puzzles fits that theme.

On Monday, Anne Riordan with the DNR shared a video and described her experiences observing the monarch butterfly migration in Mexico.

Hadley Knobbe participated in the bike rodeo on Tuesday, June 11 at the MJB Library as part of the Summer Reading Program.

Summer reading program participants pretended to be monarch butterflies migrating from Iowa to Mexico. This activity gave them a chance to understand the perils and problems of migrating butterflies.

Librarians Ava Campbell and Cass Fronapfel assist young summer reading program participants with a craft at the creation stations on Friday morning.

Bif Ridgway from Bike World takes time to show young bikers how to maintain their bicycles properly during the MJB Library Bike Clinic.

All ages were excited to be at the bike clinic and rodeo last week as part of the summer reading program at the library.

Summer Reading Program Creation Stations are always a bit hit. This year, crafty readers made jelly fish at this creation station.

Card Making Class

Card Making class will meet from 9-11 a.m. on Thursday, June 20. Led by Judy Zimmerline, all the supplies you need to make beautiful cards will be provided for a $5 fee. Stop in and learn how to make beautiful, one-of-a-kind hand-crafted greeting cards. 

Cookbook Class

Cookbook Class meets on Thursday, June 20 beginning at 6:30 p.m. This month’s featured cookbook is the “20th Edition of the Iowa State Fair Cookbook.” Stop by the library to pick out a recipe to bring to the meeting. The cookbook will be available for check out following the meeting.  

Summer Reading Activities

The Guthrie County ISU Extension will be doing a STEM workshop on Wednesday, June 19 entitled “No Monkeys, No Chocolate.” The event begins at 12:30 p.m.  

Friday is an exciting show brought to you by the people from Absolute Science. The Fantastic Foam Show begins at 11 a.m.  The show will be in the Taylor Meeting Room. 

Monday, June 24,  at 1 p.m. is Mindful Coloring Day. Come to the library, and we will have a variety of coloring pages for you to enjoy, relax and do some stress relief with crayons.  

Tuesday, June 25, is the Zoo to You program. A guest from the Blank Park Zoo will be at the library to talk about the zoo and the animals who live there. 

The STEM workshop presented by the Guthrie County ISU extension office on Wednesday, June 26 at 12:30 p.m. The topic is “Here We Are – A Guide to Earth.”  

Summer Reading Participants are reminded that all reading logs must be turned in to the library by the time the library closes on Thursday, June 27. For each log, participants will get a ticket for the final prize drawing.  

Summer Reading Wrap Up will be Friday, June 28, at 11 a.m. You won’t want to miss the fun and the prize drawings that will be happening that morning.