By Karen Kelly | Special to the Times Vedette
Thanks to a gift from the Omaha Astronomical League, the Mary J Barnett Library was selected to receive a brand new telescope available for check-out. The Orion 4.5 inch StarBlast Reflector is user-friendly, portable and lightweight. Equipped with quality optics and a zoom eyepiece, the sturdy telescope is easy to use.
The telescope is powerful enough to see the moon, the crescents of Venus, the four Galilean moons of Jupiter, the rings of Saturn, and star clusters and nebulae. Patrons 18 years old or older may check out the telescope to use at home. This would be great not only for families but for scouting and 4-H and homeschool groups who want to study astronomy.
Adults with a library card may check out the telescope for a seven-day checkout period; the telescope is not renewable. Overdue fines for the telescope are $5 per day.
Summer Reading Program
Hey, preschoolers-eighth graders, have you signed up yet for the summer reading program? Online registration is now open; sign up on the MJB Library website.
New Materials
Video fans, we have new series! “The Crown” and seasons 1-4 of “Jack Ryan” are here. For rom-com fans, “Anyone but You” is available for check-out.
Lunch and Learn
Remember to sign up for the May Lunch and Learn on May 8 when Carol Laughery, nutritionist and owner of Ignite Nutrition, will be the presenter. A light lunch will be donated by Cafe on the Hill. The event will run from noon to 1 p.m.
Book Club
Between the Covers Book Club will meet May 14 at 3 p.m. to discuss “The Widows of Braxton County” by Jess McKonkey. Copies are available for those who want to attend the book club to check out.
Card-making Club
Card-making club will meet from 9-11 a.m. on Thursday, May 16. All materials are provided for a $5 fee.
Bridge and Cribbage
Cribbage and Bridge Clubs meet regularly in the Taylor Meeting Room. Cribbage meets each Monday from 9-11 a.m. Bridge meets every Wednesday from 9-11 a.m.
Cookbook Club
“Not That Fancy” by Reba McEntire is May’s featured cookbook for Cookbook Club. Cookbook Club will meet on Thursday, May 16, at 6:30 p.m. Stop in the library to choose a recipe to make and share with the group at the meeting.
May StoryHours
StoryHour for preschoolers and their caregivers is Friday morning at 10 a.m. May 10 will highlight weather. Flowers will be the topic for May 17, and May 24 will focus on nature. The theme for May 31 will be Earth.
After School STEM
The Guthrie County Extension is presenting an afterschool program on Monday, May 20 at the MJB Library. The program will feature reading and a STEM activity.
Herb Garden workshop
Be sure to sign up for the workshop presented by the Guthrie County Extension on May 21 from 4-6 p.m. Create your own herb garden, learn how to harvest herbs, and learn about the Spend Smart, Eat Smart program. The cost of $5 per herb garden is payable on the day of the program. Pre-registration is required.
Closed for Memorial Day
A reminder, the MJB Library will be closed on Monday, May 27 for Memorial Day. Plan to get your reading materials early.

After reading stories about food, the kids in storytime made dirt cups. Estes Stagg enjoys a big scoop of Oreo “dirt.”

Lydon Stagg discovers the gummy worms in his dirt cup are delicious and stretchy.

The theme for May 3 storytime was “Food.” Tayen Flanery listens intently as she tries to figure out who ate the cupcakes in the story, “Pete the Cat and the Missing Cupcakes.”