Livestock Evaluation Champions: Irelyn Wirt, Imersyn Wirt and Gracie Hodges

By Stella Largent | ACGC FFA Reporter

ACGC FFA had 10 members participate in the Guthrie County Fair over the Labor Day weekend. The members saw a lot of success while having fun showing off their projects.

For the beef show, five members brought lead cattle as well as pens. Will Kading, Braydon Betts, and Hali Klingenberg all received blue ribbons for their cow/calf pen exhibits. Lilly Rochholz exhibited her junior feeder pen and also received a blue ribbon. Stella Largent exhibited her lead cattle receiving grand champion with her cow calf pair and reserve champion senior showmanship.

Our swine exhibitors were Lilly Rochholz and Belle Fagan. Lilly received three blues for her exhibits. Belle received one purple, one blue and reserve champion in senior showmanship.

Our sheep exhibitors represented well with Colt Douglas receiving four blues and reserve champion rate of gain. Montana Douglas received two blues, exhibited the champion white face influenced yearling ewe, and received champion rate of gain and champion senior showmanship.

Nora Langgaard was the sole goat exhibitor for ACGC, receiving two blues and one purple and was class winner for the 2-3 year old dairy goats.

Lilah Heinz showed off her SAE project of poultry production exhibiting broilers and roaster pens at the county fair. She received six blues and reserve champion roaster pen.

Another activity that occurred during the fair was the Livestock Judging Contest. ACGC FFA had two teams compete at this event, placing first and second. First place team members were Irelyn Wirt, Imersyn Wirt and Gracie Hodges; Irelyn Wirt placed first overall individually. The second place team consisted of Rylee Robson, Nora Langgaard and Casey Young.

Belle Fagan participating in the swine exhibits.

Stella Largent exhibits her breeding heifer.