By Stella Largent and Lilah Heinz | ACGC FFA Reporters
On April 21, the ACGC FFA chapter held its annual awards banquet with an outstanding turnout.
There were a total of 205 members and guests who were present to receive and watch the awards
program as well as enjoy the meal provided by Cafe on the Hill. This past year was full of
experiences and opportunities for members to do outstanding things. Below are some of the
highlights of the evening:
- Star Chapter Greenhand: Rylee Robson, Lilah Heinz, and Nora Langgaard
- Star Chapter Farmer: Carley Fagan
- Start Chapter Entrepreneurship: Will Kading and Belle Fagan
- Star Chapter Placement: Tucker Carroll
The Chapter Scholarship Award is given to one member of each grade level who has the highest cumulative GPA in the class. This year, the class winners were Presley Buttler, Emmarae Ellis, Caydence Boals, Montana Douglas and Nora Langgaard. The Leadership pin is also awarded to one person per grade level who has gone above and beyond what is expected of a member to support and participate at the chapter level. This year, the leadership award was given to senior – Tucker Carroll, junior – Belle Fagan, sophomore – Lucy Knutter, and freshman – Lilah Heinz.
These four members participated in events, volunteered to help out with different activities and community service projects, as well as participated in contests. Their peers voted on this award and found that these four members showed outstanding qualities in all of these areas.
Tucker Carroll also received the DeKalb Agricultural Accomplishment Award for the chapter.
Fruit Sales is a major fundraiser for the chapter each year. To commend the members for their hard work, the top fruit salesperson in each class was recognized.
- ninth grade: Lilly Rochholz
- 10th grade: Lucy Knutter
- 11th grade: Shay Lemke
- 12th grade: Carley Fagan
The Honorary Chapter Degree Award is given to farmers, school superintendents, principals, members of board of education, chapter advisors, teachers, staff members in agricultural education, business people, and others who are helping to advance agriculture education and the
FFA, and who have rendered outstanding service may be elected to honorary membership by a majority vote of the members present at any regular meeting or convention. This year, the 2024
Honorary Chapter Degree was presented to Christina Wilson.
The Blue and Gold Award is given to those who go above and beyond to help maintain the program. Helping whenever they can to ensure a functioning program continues to thrive. This year, two members were deserving of this award: Kassandra Sheeder and William Shull.
The new officer team was also sworn in at the end of the banquet. The 2024-2025 ACGC FFA Chapter Officers are:
- President: Gavin Sloss
- Vice President: Belle Fagan
- Treasurer: Blaise Tallman
- Secretary: Lucy Knutter
- Reporters: Lilah Heinz and Stella Largent
- Sentinel: Blaise Tallman
- Advisor: Nora Langgaard