Hears report on trends in graduating students’ post-secondary plans.
By Rich Wicks | Times Vedette
The school boards of Adair-Casey and Guthrie Center school districts held a joint meeting on Jan. 17 with all members present. Each board voted to set a revised date for the public hearing on the 2024-2025 school calendar. The public hearing had originally been planned for Feb. 21 but was changed to March 20.
Counselor Barb South led a presentation to the board regarding the trends in graduating students’ post-secondary plans and the programs and class offerings available. South handed out forms showing data on these topics. She summarized the trends over the past three years in graduating students’ plans regarding college, career paths and military service.
One of the forms shared by South was the “Four Year Plan,” which shows the various credit requirements for graduation. South noted that students who meet the credit requirements often can meet the criteria with one semester remaining in the senior year, which then allows the student to focus on college readiness or career planning in the student’s final semester of high school.
Matt Van Meter asked South, “What do you feel about our graduation requirements? Are we spot on, are we too hard? What’s your opinion?”
South replied, “I feel that we are spot on. I feel like our kids are successful in college.”
Superintendent Josh Rasmussen spoke about the recent school shooting at Perry.
“I did meet with our Sheriff’s Department today,” he said. “They were there in the building that day, so they learned some things and relayed those things to me. I’m going to discuss that with our administrative team at our next meeting. There are a couple of things that we can change to help in that area.”
Rasmussen thanked all who helped deal with the challenges caused by recent snowstorms, and said he appreciates that when nearly everything is shut down, it provides the opportunity for everyone to slow down and spend time with family.
Sarah Sheeder (School Business Official) provided a financial report on each district. For both school districts, parent-teacher conferences are set for Feb. 13 and Feb. 15, with no school on Feb. 16 and Feb. 19.
The next regular board meeting will be Feb. 21.