I am often the odd man out. It’s not a big deal. I am used to it. But on a recent trip to a swimming pool, I noticed I was the only person there — male or female — who didn’t have a tattoo. I felt a bit out of place. So when I went to other places, I started asking around, “Do you have a tattoo?” Surprisingly — at least to me — a large number of people said, “Yes.” I decided to do a little research to see if my sample study was an anomaly.

Maybe not surprisingly, more than one-third (36%) of U.S. citizens between the ages of 18-29 have at least one tattoo. And, also maybe not surprisingly, nearly three-fourths (72%) of tattooed adults have tattoos that are hidden by their clothing, according to data at comparecamp.com

Here are a few numbers that may raise eyebrows. Nearly one-third (30%) of U.S. college graduates have tattoos. Not many more men (15%) than women (13%) in the U.S. have tattoos. And only one-third (36%) of the U.S. Armed Forces, including military veterans, have tattoos.

Clearly, tattoos are big business, generating an estimated $1.6 billion in annual revenue. Over the next 10 years, the tattoo industry is expected to grow by about 8% annually in the 21,000-plus U.S. tattoo parlors. Americans spend $1.65 billion yearly on tattoos with 27% paying up to $100 and 6% willing to invest $2,500 or more.

Meanwhile, tattoos aren’t all roses. Well, some may be, but you know what I mean. Three out of four individuals who have tattoos regret it. What’s more, there’s a larger percentage of men than women who regret their tattoos. Meanwhile, only 5% of people who hate their tattoos have them removed. Instead, they have them covered with another tattoo. This may explain how 32% of individuals with tattoos claim that they are obsessed with ink.

My friends with tattoos often tell me I should get one. At 55 years old, I am not sure that is a good idea. Meanwhile, 11% of people with tattoos in the United States are in my age range of 50-64 years old. Even so, my response to my tattooed friends has been incredibly consistent and uncomfortably honest. I tell them that I am at the age where I am more concerned about the things I should have taken off my skin rather than adding anything to it. Sigh.

Have a terrific Tuesday, and thanks for reading. 

Shane Goodman
Editor and Publisher
Times Vedette digital editions