By Rich Wicks | Times Vedette
The Guthrie Center City Council met in regular session April 22. City Clerk Kris Arrasmith updated the council on preparations for the swimming pool in order for it to be ready for the summer season.
“Cleveland Mechanical came back with a quote on fixing the wall inlet, which had the leak… of $4,960. It’s got to be done, or we can’t open the pool,” Arrasmith said. “And he (Darrin Sloss) can’t start filling it until this is done.”
The council voted to approve the repair.
The council held a public hearing on the fiscal year 2024/2025 budget. No citizens were on hand to ask questions or make comments, and the city had not received written comments or questions, so the meeting was promptly adjourned. The council adopted the proposed budget.
Becky Benton (State Street Insurance) addressed the council on what she found regarding the proposed rates for the city’s Workers Comp coverage for fiscal year 2024/2025. The council voted to accept the coverage and rate as presented by Benton.
As part of the consent agenda, the council approved beer/liquor/tobacco permits for Casey’s General Store, Prime Time, and Lucky Wife Wine Slushies. Fence permits were approved for 1003 Grand St. (Sprague) and 2501 State St. (Morgan).
The city council’s next regular meeting will be May 13. Arrasmith reminded the council that the regularly scheduled meeting on May 27 will likely need to be rescheduled due to the Memorial Day holiday.