By Rich Wicks | Times Vedette

During the regular meeting of the Guthrie County Board of Supervisors on June 11, the supervisors discussed appropriating funds to the various departments for the 2024-2025 fiscal year. It was noted that the supervisors have generally appropriated 50% of the funds to each department before the start of each fiscal year, and then in November, the remaining 50% has been appropriated.

Supervisor Mike Dickson suggested using that formula for all departments except the Sheriff’s department. For that department, he suggested appropriating the first 25% now, and then checking in again in the fall.

“I am thinking just 25% for the Sheriff’s department,” Dickson said.

Supervisor Steve Smith asked about the rationale behind this change.

“It really puts it back on us, as well, to make sure that when we do appropriate a certain percentage of funds that we are helping the departments across the board to stay within that range,” Supervisor Maggie Armstrong said.

Supervisor Brian Johnson shared his opinion that he doesn’t like singling out a specific department.

“This is the only power we have, the power of the purse,” Dickson said. “We have asked for documents from that department, and we don’t get them.”

Supervisor Steve Smith shared that he could agree to Dickson’s motion but feels the board must be prepared to treat other departments in the same way when necessary, in order to be equitable.

“I don’t think we’re in an equitable situation right now,” Armstrong said.

After discussion, the supervisors voted to approve the appropriations as suggested in Dickson’s motion. Brian Johnson was the sole vote against.

Agenda item No. 9 involved a possible land donation of a parcel owned by Norma Stetzel. The supervisors voted to table the matter.

The supervisors canvassed the June 4 primary election results.

The next regular meeting of the supervisors will be Tuesday, June 18. The public is welcome. Attendees may participate in person or by calling 323-792-6123 and inputting conference ID 547029216#.