By Rich Wicks | Times Vedette

During the Oct. 1 regular weekly meeting of the Guthrie County Board of Supervisors, Supervisor Maggie Armstrong updated the other members on the planned EMS presentation.

“I sent this to everybody for review last Thursday,” Armstrong said.

She explained that she made minor changes based on feedback from the other supervisors, such as including a sample ballot to show the wording that voters will see.

“So, if we’re good with it as it is, then we’ll move forward with it tonight at our first public go,” Armstrong said.

No other changes were suggested.

Since Supervisor Mike Dickson was not present at the meeting, Board Chair JD Kuster suggested tabling agenda item No. 6 (Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget Appropriation for Sheriff Department).  Kuster said Dickson had several questions he wished to ask. The supervisors tabled the issue and will return to it at the Oct. 8 meeting.

The supervisors also tabled agenda item No. 5 (Chip Schultz: Northland Public Finance, update on current bonds held by Guthrie County) since Mr. Schultz was unable to attend.

Becky Benton from State Street Insurance talked with the supervisors about the effective date of the Iowa Communities Assurance Pool (ICAP) coverage. She explained that some communities have chosen to amend the effective date to Feb. 1 instead of Jan. 1, to allow more time for all necessary tasks to be completed before renewal. The supervisors approved this.

The next regular meeting of the supervisors will be Tuesday, Oct. 8. The public is welcome to attend in person or via remote technology. To join remotely, call 323-792-6123, then use meeting code 547029216#.