By Rich Wicks | Times Vedette

During the “Public Comments” portion of the Sept. 17 regular meeting of the Guthrie County Board of Supervisors, several citizens voiced concerns regarding the supervisors’ actions related to the planned CO2 pipeline. Citizens spoke about feeling misled regarding the filing of the county’s letter objecting to the use of imminent domain. Brian Johnson explained that he hand- delivered the resolution, and it was verified as received on Monday, Sept. 9.

Citizens also complained about their perceptions that the public has not been promptly and thoroughly informed about the planned pipeline.

Other news

The supervisors discussed the possibility of absorbing the work that has previously been done by the Guthrie County Compensation Board. The supervisors will look further into what work this would entail. No formal decision was made at this time.

County Auditor Dani Fink asked the supervisors to consider setting a date for an election regarding the Lake Panorama and Diamondhead Lake Rural Improvement Zone.

“I’d like to schedule that for Dec. 10,” Fink said.

The supervisors unanimously approved the plan for a special election on Dec. 10.

The supervisors discussed plans and scheduling of communication efforts related to the proposal for countywide EMS services.

Supervisor Brian Johnson shared his recent efforts.

“I was able to attend both the Jamaica and Yale city council meetings to talk about EMS, and it went very well,” he said.

Supervisor Maggie Armstrong told of an event she has scheduled.

“I scheduled a Panora community meeting for Oct. 16 at 7 p.m. at Panorama School, in the auditorium,” Armstrong said.

The supervisors regularly meet each Tuesday at 9 a.m. The public is welcome to attend in person or via remote technology. To join remotely, call 323-792-6123, then use meeting code 547029216#.