By Rich Wicks | Times Vedette

During a special meeting of the Guthrie County board of supervisors at 7 p.m. on July 10, the only agenda item was discussion of the proposed countywide EMS plan. Representatives were on hand from various townships, EMS services and city government.

Board Chair J.D. Kuster explained a map that was posted showing the areas of coverage.

“If you look at the board up there,… down on the right hand side would be orange, and Stuart is covering that area. The yellow, we’re looking at the Adair Ambulance covering that. And the blue would be Panora proposing to cover that,” Kuster said.

Some township residents in attendance asked about the proposed tax and what it would fund. It was explained that the proposed tax would be a countywide tax aimed at providing countywide service as equitably as the supervisors can design it.

Supervisor Steve Smith explained the thinking behind the plan.

“We all live where we live… but you’re not in a glass bubble. You travel, you go places. You have relatives someplace. You have to go shop someplace else,” Smith said. “Hopefully, there will be better coverage for everybody. You’re getting a broader spectrum of coverage for everybody, not just where you live.”

Supervisor Brian Johnson added that a countywide EMS plan would also make Guthrie County more attractive to businesses that may consider opening in the county.

Supervisor Maggie Armstrong shared her opinion that Guthrie County has a unique opportunity in this matter.

“I don’t know if there’s any other county that’s doing what we’re doing, because we have strong services already,” Armstrong said. “This is just a way to make it a little more equal or be more equitable for the more rural areas…that’s our goal.”

No formal decisions were reached, and the meeting adjourned after approximately one hour.