By Rich Wicks | Times Vedette
During the Guthrie County Board of Supervisors regular meeting on March 26, The supervisors agreed to send request for proposals (RFP) regarding the county’s Emergency Medical Services (EMS).
Lauren Mortensen from Region XII addressed the supervisors by going through an update of the county’s Hazard Mitigation Plan.
County Attorney Dana Minteer discussed with the supervisors her request to implement additional salary increases for her staff.
Supervisor Mike Dickson stated his disagreement with additional raises.
“The board gave what they gave, and that’s where I’m at,” said Dickson.
Supervisor Steve Smith shared his opinion that if salaries are not kept competitive, it will cost the county more due to turnover.
After lengthy discussion, the supervisors voted unanimously to approve the additional 2% as requested by Minteer.
The next regular meeting of the board will be Tuesday, April 2. The public is welcome. Attendees may participate in person or by calling 323-792-6123 and inputting conference ID 547029216#.