By Rich Wicks | Times Vedette

A joint meeting of the Adair-Casey and Guthrie Center school boards was held Aug. 21. Superintendent Josh Rasmussen discussed the need to revamp the grading system the high school had been using.

“We really just want to find something that works,” Rasmussen said. “And we want to make sure we are still ensuring that kids are learning…That’s the guidance I gave Brian.”

Brian Sauser, principal for grades 9-12, outlined the high school grade reporting system that ACGC will use for those students this school year. He talked about the staff survey that was administered to gather their opinions on various topics, and he said many opinions were shared about standards-based grading.

“The two words that kept coming up were ‘consistency’ and ‘clarity’…those did not seem to be there, across the board,” Sauser said. “I also learned that there was a lot of confusion from parents.”

Sauser also pointed out that colleges do not recognize standards-based grade reporting, so those grades then had to be converted back to letter grades (A, B, C, D or F). He said that for this school year, ACGC High School students will again have traditional letter grades. He added that for any missing or late work, there will generally be a three-week window for students to turn in. After that, any scores of zero will generally not be changed.

The school will continue to use Infinite Campus to allow parents to access their students’ grades, check progress, pay fees and add to lunch accounts.

For Adair-Casey, the board noted the resignation of Nickie Nelson from the position of nutrition director. Contract recommendations were approved for Veronica Bennett (1:1 paraeducator) and Laura Fever (elementary art/reading teacher).

For Guthrie Center, resignations included Brenda Sheeder (high school paraeducator) and Toni Colling (high school paraeducator). Contract recommendations were approved for Deb Ocker (food service), Brooke Boals (dance team sponsor), Tara Largent (volunteer assistant volleyball coach), Patti Halbur (SPED transfer), and Kylie South (high school paraprofessional).

Adair-Casey Board Chair Randy Carney suggested making changes to the position of the admission gate and ticketing tables during basketball and baseball games to help prevent attendees from going in to watch games without paying for admission.

For each of the school boards, upcoming dates noted included no classes on Aug. 30 and Sept. 2, Whole Grade Sharing (WGS) meeting at the high school at 8 a.m. on Sept. 4, and the Iowa Association of School Boards (IASB) annual school board convention Nov. 20-22.

The next regular board meeting is scheduled for Sept. 18 at 7 p.m. The public is welcome.