By Rich Wicks | Times Vedette
Prior to the regular Panorama School Board meeting on April 8, the board held a public hearing regarding the 2024-2025 Public Tax Notice. The tax rate is proposed to decrease to $12.12 compared to $12.99 this school year.
During the regular meeting, the board voted to approve installing a $103,000 camera system in all buildings. Superintendent Kasey Huebner provided background about the system.
“This is part of our security grant money from the state. This will upgrade our camera system with up-to-date technology and a video insight software that allows us to navigate the system to find events that occur easily,” said Huebner. “These cameras will be inside and outside. It uses AI (artificial intelligence) to identify events and alert proper personnel and allows us to add future plug-ins if we need to add them to the system to add more features.”
The board approved the final resolution to award the north parking lot project to Jordison Construction out of Urbandale for $535,970.
The board approved an agreement with a costing company to give a more accurate assessment on what a new gymnasium would cost. The district completed a feasibility study a few years ago for a new competition gym.
Following the end of the public meeting, the board went into an exempt (closed) session to meet with Panorama Education Association to start the negotiation process for the 2024-2025 contracts.
The next regular meeting of the board will be Monday, May 13 at the District Board Room in the high school building. The public is welcome.