By Rich Wicks | Times Vedette
At the regular meeting of the Panorama School Board on May 13, the board voted to approve an agreement to begin the process of bringing a bond referendum to voters, likely in November 2025. The referendum would cover various projects within the district, with the most significant being a new competition gym.
The board approved expansion of the current agreement with Life Connections to provide more counseling services for students. The current counselor will add two days per week, allowing more students to be served. There will be no addition cost to the district.
The board approved a resolution to adopt the Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan. Superintendent Kasey Huebner explained what this approval means.
“We adopted the Adair and Guthrie Counties Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan, incorporating citizen comments and recommendations. School districts are included in this plan, as they can receive FEMA money in case of emergency or for certain building projects (i.e. safe rooms). The adoption of this plan does not require the school to spend any money or commit to completing projects, but it presents the opportunity for projects to be completed if grant funds do become available,” Huebner said.
The district’s budget for fiscal year 2025 was formally approved.
The board’s next regular meeting will be Monday, June 10.