Volunteers sought who are preferably located at or near state highways and White Pole Road.
By Rich Wicks | Times Vedette
Guthrie County Sheriff Marty Arganbright has posted an open letter to residents asking for anyone willing to be added to a call list to be used in cases of snow emergencies. According to the Sheriff’s letter, names added to the Volunteer Snowmobile Rescue and Response Team will be contacted on an as-needed basis to perform such duties as “responding to a roadway that is not navigable to help rescue stranded motorists, transporting a deputy or EMS Paramedic to a scene, help escort/detour emergency vehicles during transport, and more.”
The letter further stated, “We are seeking volunteers throughout Guthrie County, but preferably located at or near state Highways 4, 44, 141, and White Pole Road.”
Sheriff Arganbright stressed that this team will be unpaid volunteers, and that “The Guthrie County Sheriff’s Office will not be liable or financially responsible for any injury sustained, nor liable or financially responsible for any damaged snow machine.”
Interested persons are asked to email Deputy Blake Michelsen (b.michelsen@gcso.gov) or send a message on the Guthrie County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page.