Special to the Times Vedette
On Tuesday, April 9, 11 Sunshine Club members and one guest met at the Panora Public Library at 1 p.m. with Sandy Mortensen hosting. The meeting was opened with the roll call being “your favorite spring flower.” The minutes of the March meeting were read with changes on when the lady from the crisis center could meet with the group. The change will be sometime in May with details to be announced later. The treasurer’s report was given with some money returned from the Stuart Care Center bingo games. Linda Thompson said the first music jam at the Music Hall will be on April 21 at 2 p.m. with a free will offering. On April 28, Jonas Woodstock, a one-man band, will be performing at 2 p.m. with a $10 admission cost. The next meeting will be on May 7 for a Mother’s Day Brunch at the home of Gina Lloyd. Everyone is encouraged to bring a picture of their mother to share with others. The meeting was adjourned with delicious refreshments served, and those who could stay played cards for the remainder of the afternoon.