Special to the Times Vedette
On Tuesday, March 12, a total of 11 Sunshine Club members and one guest met at the home of Linda Thompson. The meeting was opened with Linda reading a devotion from the Daily Bread and then asked that the roll call be something you would like to do for yourself or for someone else. Trudy called the meeting to order by mentioning birthdays and anniversaries. The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and the treasurer’s report was given. Trudy contacted the Intervention Center for abused women and delivered items that were donated in December. The woman in charge was extremely thankful for all the things received. The Sunshine Club will donate cookies in the future to help out as well. A trip in May is scheduled for those who would like to attend the Hollingsworth Spring Blooming Peony Tour, held in Maryville, Missouri. Each person is to purchase their own ticket. On April 8, the club is scheduled to sponsor the bingo activity at the Stuart Care Center. Trudy was given $20 to help with that project. The next meeting will be held on April 9 at the Panora Public Library at 1 p.m. with Sandy Mortensen hosting. The meeting was adjourned with Linda serving delicious desserts and then cards were played the remainder of the afternoon.