Special to the Times Vedette

On Friday, Aug. 16, nine club members went on their one-day mystery trip tour to Fort Dodge. The first stop was at the Community Apple Orchard where we tried sampling some of their items for sale. Many of us purchased some yummy items to bring home. We also had our picture taken in the big white chair outside of the gift shop. Some sat and while some stood around the big chair. Our next stop was to see the murals on the huge silo down the road. This is the largest mural in Iowa and quite a site to see. 

Our next stop was for lunch at the Tea Thyme restaurant and the Thyme to Shop gift shop in the same building. We all had delicious lunches and, of course, topped it off with fantastic desserts. 

Next on the agenda, we stopped for a tour of the Ringland-Smeltzer House that was built in 1903 by George Ringland. His home was later occupied by his granddaughter, Ann Smeltzer, who lived there until her death in 1999. It was a beautiful mansion.

Across the street was the Blanden Museum and was a real treat. Ann Ringland Smeltzer and her family had donated the land, and Ann donated many items that are in the museum. Fort Dodge is very fortunate to have a museum of this size in their small community.

We also visited the Vincent House that was built in 1871 by James and Adeline Swaim, who operated the first drug store in Fort Dodge. Adeline Swaim was a leader in the women’s suffrage movements in Iowa and Illinois.

Our last stop of the day was to Tilly’s Dariette for some of the best ice cream ever.

It was such an awesome day to which our club president, Trudy Woolman, planned, and none of us knew where we were going until we got there. Good job, Trudy.