JD Kuster appointed chair with Maggie Armstrong to serve as vice chair.
By Rich Wicks | Times Vedette
On Dec. 27, the Guthrie County Board of Supervisors met in regular session. The supervisors opened and reviewed seven bids for the Transfer Station pasture and four bids for the County Farm. In each case, the supervisors accepted the highest bid. The board accepted a bid from Kelly Kopaska for $140 per acre for the Transfer Station pasture. The supervisors accepted a bid for the County Farm from Jake and Paige Anderson for $54,848.88.
The Board also heard from County Engineer Josh Sebern about the funding agreement between Guthrie County and Iowa DOT for the Bridge Repair Project BHOS-CO39(99) – 5N-39.
“Because it is federal funds, the Iowa DOT is the administrator, and we contract with them that we will abide by all regulations,” Sebern said. This agreement was motioned and passed.
Becky Benton of State Street Insurance addressed the supervisors about the Iowa Communities Assurance Pool (ICAP) renewal. She discussed the many ways that coverage is changing statewide and the reasons. The board voted to approve the renewal as presented.
The supervisors met on Jan. 2 to decide a variety of annual appointments to various boards. JD Kuster was appointed chair of the Board of Supervisors with Maggie Armstrong to serve as vice chair. The supervisors chose to keep the regular weekly meeting schedule on Tuesdays at 9 a.m.
IT Director Brian Hoffman addressed the board about a proposed upgrade to the Public Health door access system. He said the system would be cloud-based, and the total cost would be $10,691, but a grant would pay $10,000 of that, so the county’s cost would be only $691. The supervisors approved the upgrade.