From the Iowa Department of Natural Resources
Enjoy the beauty of April tree blossoms across Iowa neighborhoods.
Trees quietly enhance our daily lives in many ways. They’re like superheroes for our health and our wallets. Neighborhood trees clean the air we breathe and make it fresher. They help keep our houses cooler in the summer and soak up rainwater to help prevent flooding in our neighborhoods.
Being around trees helps us feel less stressed, more focused, and healthier both mentally and physically. Trees make our communities a more pleasant place to live and work.
Here are some fun options to celebrate trees near you this Arbor Day and throughout the year.
- Plant a tree. Check out the How to Plant a Tree from A Container video for tips on how to plant trees properly.
- Discover what trees are growing around you. Iowa’s 10 Most Common Urban Trees can help you identify trees in your yard or neighborhood and learn more about each kind of tree.
- Calculate the benefits of planting trees. It’s easy to estimate the value of planting trees on your property with the i-Tree planting calculator.
- Learn how to prevent wildfires. Smokey Bear lives within us all! Check out our easy and fun activities to prevent wildfires when exploring Iowa’s great outdoor areas.
- Explore all things trees. Use the Tree Scavenger Hunt activity sheet to guide your outdoor adventures.
- Read a book about trees. Visit your local library and ask for books about trees.
- Attend an Arbor Day event. Communities across Iowa will be celebrating Arbor Day with various events including tree plantings, nature walks, and more. Tree City USA Communities across Iowa will host events as well. Attend an Arbor Day event near you.