I received a note last week from Steve Delaney, the former publisher of the Times Vedette and the person I bought the newspaper from 18 months ago. He has had special interest in what we are doing with our digital editions and has been supportive. Steve also shared a comment about my column from the Dec. 21 edition that addressed the change. “Change is something you are given at a convenience store,” Steve wrote. “What you are doing with the newspaper is evolving, not changing.” That’s a great point and a great introduction to our first edition of the Times Vedette digital newsletter. Thank you, Steve.

If you are a subscriber to our Daily Umbrella email newsletter, you have a general idea of what we plan to do with this version. The concept is the same, but the content is localized, as you will see here. Government meetings coverage. Obituaries. High school sports. Sheriff’s reports. Club news. Feature photos. Library news. Movie reviews. Yester Years. And more to come. Much more. This is just the beginning.

This newsletter will certainly evolve with new content and information to best suit your needs. We are learning as we go, so please be patient with us, and don’t hesitate to send me your ideas and feedback. I welcome it.

With that in mind, moving forward, you can expect to receive this email during the lunch hour each Tuesday and Friday. This will allow us to cover the Monday night and Tuesday morning government meetings in our Tuesday editions, and the Thursday meetings and sporting events on Friday.

Email, much like most all digital efforts, comes with its share of challenges since not everyone uses the same software or hardware or has the same level of technological skills. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

If you know of others who you think would appreciate this email newsletter, please forward this on to them and encourage them to sign up for their own free issues at www.gctimesnews.com.

Have a great week, and thanks for reading.

Shane Goodman
Editor and Publisher
Times Vedette digital newsletter