Another Father’s Day has come and gone. It happens so quickly. That’s why I came up with the idea of Father’s Week. For some reason, it never seemed to catch on, at least not with my family. 

“What do you want for Father’s Day, Dad?”

That’s a question I receive from my kids before Father’ Day each year. And, each year, I give them the same answer: “How about undershirts, underwear or socks?”

“That’s really boring,” they reply in unison. To which I say, “But that’s what I need.”

Then they buy me something more fun — like a remote-controlled toy truck — and I go out and buy myself undershirts, underwear and socks. 

I used to buy my dad undershirts, underwear and socks. Well, actually, my mom bought them for me to give to him. Regardless, he seemed to appreciate them, and I am starting to understand why. The older I get, the less I like to shop… for anything. But there are some things a guy just has to have. Like undershirts, underwear and socks. 

Dads used to receive neckties for Father’s Day, but who wears neckties today? If you do, let me know. I have dozens of them you can have. Or maybe we can work out a trade — for undershirts, underwear and socks. Not used ones, of course. I am thrifty, but not that thrifty. 

Maybe if I did wear neckties, you wouldn’t be able to see my dingy undershirts. And then I wouldn’t have to buy undershirts, underwear and socks so often. Or maybe I will just buy what I really wanted for Father’s Day this year, which was, of course, another remote-controlled toy truck. 

Have a terrific Tuesday, and thanks for reading. 

Shane Goodman
Editor and Publisher
Times Vedette digital editions