By Maddy Carstens, junior, and Miranda Laabs, sophomore, staff writers

Students at Panorama are finishing up their last week at school. As we were supposed to get out of school originally on May 22nd, things changed on this date. With snow days, winter problems, and altogether bad weather, the school has had to miss a couple of days. So, the school needed to push back the end-of-the-year date. The new date that students are getting out of school is May 29th. As we wrap up the year, students will be completed their final tests on May 23-24. 

Last week, students were trying their best to focus and get their studying done. Since the school had a break on Memorial Day, they returned to school on May 28th and May 29th, their final week of school. On the 29th, students will be getting out early at 1pm, with the High School Student Council hosting a luau. 

With classes finishing tests and assignments, students could start to relax and feel summer approaching faster and faster. Summer break is upon us, congrats to everyone getting through the year.

During the summer Panorama will be competing in softball and baseball games. Athletes in football and volleyball will be starting open gyms as well. There will be various camps for youth sports during the summer. Including volleyball, basketball, and football. The summer is a good way to spend time with family and friends, and to get outside. Towards the end of summer, Panora will be hosting the annual Panorama Days. There will be plenty of activities for your families to participate in. Hoping everyone has a good summer.



By Peyton Walker, sophomore, staff writer

Mr. Mac, Mrs. Lindstrom’s middle school art teacher, inspired her to get into art, he inspired her to draw (because he could draw anything), and he’d do many other things like yell out the most random things to draw, and Mrs. Lindstrom would draw them. Her high school art teacher Ms. Anderson was just an amazing person, and she made her students think outside the box. Mrs. Lindstrom went to ADM K-12 and she went to college at the University of Northern Iowa for her B.A. in Art Education, and then she attended Boston University for her master’s in art education. She chose to be an art teacher because her friend had asked if she would have been interested in teaching art to elementary students her junior year in college. She loves it so much she started teaching every Sunday at the Hearst Center for the Arts, after that she decided to change her major to art education. If someone told her they wanted to teach she would tell them that there is no job more important than guiding our youth to be successful. She enjoys teaching painting and ceramics the most, but she enjoys the classes in visual arts. 

Some of her favorite things about teaching are to inspire the students and to help them see their talents and their strengths. She loves getting to know her students and having conversations with them, the laughter her students and coworkers share is very uplifting. She first started working at Panorama School in 1997, she taught at the elementary for 18 years and she taught at the secondary school for 7 years. She took three years off of teaching to work in her own art, but during that time she subbed at Panorama and ACGC. 

She loves working in the Panorama District because she loves the town and the community, she loves the staff and she feels as though our community supports the art program. One of the biggest things she has learned is that technology has changed so the way she has to teach will have to change as well. Her biggest challenge is time management, she feels as though she never has enough time to do what she needs. Her favorite part about her classroom is the 2-D art and a side for Ceramics or 3-D art, she feels that it is a spectacular art studio for students. 



By Miranda Laabs, sophomore, staff writer

Mrs. Olive, one of Panorama High School’s special education teachers, has been teaching for nine years. She started out in Texas, teaching for seven years. This is now her second year at Panorama, teaching in the special education program. Ever since she was in kindergarten, she wanted to become a teacher. She had phases where she would think about other career choices, but teaching was her goal. 

When asked what her greatest accomplishment was, Mrs. Olive stated she doesn’t feel as if she can give credit to herself alone for her accomplishments, because it has been God who has allowed her to do the things she has done. She was named teacher of the year at the district she had previously taught at. After moving from Texas to Guthrie Center, Mrs. Olive and her family had many obstacles in their way. Knowing her children are being raised in a safe place and surrounded by people who love them has been a great accomplishment for her. Trying to balance teaching, being a mom and coaching is a challenge that Mrs. Olive has faced. She is taking classes to finish her master’s degree in special education.

There are no perfect days, but when asked what an “ideal” day would look like, Mrs. Olive described it as: sleeping in and making breakfast with her husband and two daughters; playing UNO; going to garage sales; and going to lunch at Chick-fil-A, ending the day at her parents’ house, riding four-wheelers and sitting at the campfire. 

Next school year, Mrs. Olive is looking forward to teaching in the same district as her husband. The two of them have made a great team in ministry, so working together at school will also be amazing. She is looking forward to building their youth group as well (The Swamp). ________________________________________________________________


By Marlee Herring, eighth grader, staff writer

This June, a group of students and Ms. Wooldridge will be traveling to visit New York City. They will be leaving on June 6 and will return June 10. While there, they will visit many fun and astonishing places. They will see shows on Broadway and will go to many famous places in New York like Times Square and Central Park. They will only be there for a short while, but their schedules are packed and full of fun. Safe travels and good luck.



By Bjoërg Skovgaard, sophomore, staff writer

This summer will not be boring with these fun activities to do with friends and family. Enjoy a nice picnic outside or at a park. Make a good lunch and play games. Just grab a blanket or two and have fun. This summer is also a time when we can try new things like flying a kite, golfing or fishing. It’s not a real summer without ice cream. How about making your own sweet-frozen treat to cool you down?

This is the summer for outdoor activities, so why not go camping or on a hiking trip? The best part of camping is that you don’t have to go into a forest. You can set up a tent in your backyard and have an amazing time with family grilling and making s’mores. We all know it gets hot outside, which means swimming and water balloon fights. Have a great summer with lots of fun.




By Lillie Greenlee, freshman, staff writer

Social media impacts everyone more than we probably think. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it can be. Most everyone is using social media today. Some of the things people post are good but some are also bad. It also depends on how people see the post. It’s definitely fun and can be used in many different ways. It’s really fun to have different ways to connect with people, and you can be creative and innovative. However, it’s easy to spend too much time on it. 

Social media is impactful for users in both good and bad ways. It’s definitely the most impactful for teens. Teens are easily influenced, and both good and bad things that they see can impact them. Some good things about social media would be the people who try to spread positivity and helpfulness to others. Social media is also entertaining and is a great way for people to interact, connect and be creative. 

On the other hand, social media can be destructive. Since teens are easily influenced, they could see something bad and they’re more likely to be influenced. They could also see someone and get jealous, which can be mentally harsh for some teens. A lot of things on social media are fake or edited, but a lot of immature teens don’t think about that. So, social media can be a good thing, but it’s good to be mindful while using it.