By Cyote Williams | Times Vedette

A back-and-forth matchup between host ACGC (1-1) and Pleasantville (4-4) took place on Tuesday, Sept. 3. Pleasantville took the first set and traded wins with the Chargers until it was  tied after four. ACGC won the fifth and final set, 15-13, to secure the victory.

Out of 55 total assists for the team, Shay Lemke provided 51. Stella Largent led the way in kills with 41 out of the team’s 58. Largent also forced 17 kill errors. Camdyn Richter was just behind her with 13 kill errors. Becca Littler was key on defense with the junior contributing 30 digs. On serves, Largent with seven and Lemke with six, led the way on aces.