10 years ago
From the archives of The Guthrie County Vedette, April 24, 2014
BIG FISH. Bob DeHaan shows the 2.65-pound black crappie he caught.
20 years ago
From the archives of The Guthrie Center Times, April 14, 2004
PETTING ZOO. At Panora, the Easter egg hunt was held at the Guthrie County Historical Village. Karlee Johnk of Panora holds one of several live bunnies that were brought in for the children.
30 years ago
From the archives of The Guthrie Center Times, April 27, 1994
HOSPICE VOLUNTEERS HONORED. These 10 women were on a list of 30 volunteers recognized by the Guthrie County Respite Hospice program for hours they volunteered from April 1993 to April 1994. Front row: Marguerite Sheeder of Guthrie Center, Mitzi Schoening of Bagley, Kathleen Downing of Guthrie Center and Maxine Wood of Panora. Back row: Loretta Garreau of Guthrie Center, Helen Christensen of Guthrie Center, Margaret Babcock of Panora, Iris Benton of Guthrie Center, Diane Hyland of Coon Rapids and Janelle Stringham of Guthrie Center.
40 years ago
From the archives of The Guthrie County Vedette, April 26, 1984
BIRTHDAY BASH. The Panora State Bank hosted a birthday party Thursday for E.S. Petersen, who turned 80. Hundreds of well-wishers visited the bank to enjoy cake and punch with the longtime Panora banker. Among Pete’s many friends are, left to right, Ralph Patterson, Marian Winter, Corma Denny, Petersen, David Beidelman and Peg Kemble.
50 years ago
From the archives of The Guthrian, April 22, 1974
TO BOY’S STATE. Paul Millhollin, left, and Jim Hasbrouck were selected to represent Guthrie Center at Boy’s State this summer.