10 years ago

From the archives of The Guthrie County Vedette, July 3, 2014

ROCKET FIRE! Orange team member Trey Boettcher throws to first base for an out.


20 years ago

From the archives of The Guthrie Center Times, June 30, 2004

GETTING THE JUMP. Katie Lehman is off at the sound of the gun while an opponent is left on the blocks.



30 years ago

From the archives of The Guthrie Center Times, June 29, 1994

MONEY FOR MONTEITH MOVE. Doug Hemphill, president of the Farmer’s State Bank of Yale, presented a $200 check to Betty Fox, a board member of The Turn of the Century Museum. The museum is accepting donations for the relocation and restoration of the Monteith Store. To date, $4,622 has been raised of the projected $10,000 costs.


40 years ago

From the archives of The Guthrie County Vedette, June 28, 1984

SLICK WAY TO BEAT HEAT. Shannon Berkley splashes down her banana slide as playmate Carla Thorp awaits her turn. The girls found the water slide a cool way to combat 90-degree temperatures Tuesday.


50 years ago

From the archives of The Guthrian, July 1, 1974

HIGH AND INSIDE. It may appear Guthrie Center’s Tony Monthei is crab-walking into the batter’s box, but actually he’s ducking a high, inside pitch for ball four during Guthrie’s 13-run third inning against Coon Rapids Thursday.