10 years ago

From the archives of The Guthrie County Vedette, Jan. 2, 2014

DOWNHILL RACERS. A light snow Monday provided an opportunity for snowboarders Preston Walker, left, Tyler Brown, center, and Dominic Walker to search the town for slick spots.

20 years ago

From the archives of The Guthrie Center Times, Jan. 7, 2004

4-H TRAINING. One important session during the training was Recordbooks. Sarah Dentlinger and Jinny Millhollin explain some of the forms to the officers.

30 years ago

From the archives of The Guthrie Center Times, Jan. 5, 1994

ON THE BLOCKS. Coach Steve Smith said two things his team did well were getting good post position and making good entry passes to the post. Above, Jess Lewis receives a pass in scoring position against a Carroll defender.

40 years ago

From the archives of The Guthrie County Vedette, Jan. 5, 1984

SNOW VACATION. School dismissed early Tuesday because of drifting conditions in the county. Taking advantage of the mild temperatures and early dismissal to play in more fresh snow which fell New Year’s morning were Albert Muniz and Dave Houp, left, who topped a showman with Angie Christensen. Top, Bill Christensen crawls out from a tunnel and bottom, Victoria Muniz, left, and Clifford Jensen grunt and groan to push snowballs twice their size.

50 years ago

From the archives of The Guthrian, Jan. 7, 1974

COMFORTS OF HOME. Even though temperatures in the Guthrie Center area have hovered near the zero mark the past two weeks, construction progress is being made at the new high school. Plastic huts that have been erected at the school site are heated by portable gas heaters that allow brick laying to continue despite the severe cold. Above is bricklayer James Wiemann of Audubon. Also pictured is one of the portable heaters.