By Rich Wicks | Times Vedette

Sheriff Marty Arganbright met with the Guthrie County Board of Supervisors during the regular weekly meeting of the supervisors. The discussion centered on the Sheriff’s department budget and the proposed budget amendment for the current fiscal year.

Supervisor Mike Dickson stated that the department purchased armor and a car that were not in the budget.

“We met with the supervisors, and they said if we could find the money in another line item, that will work,” Arganbright said.

After discussion about the process and whether or not to move funds in the written budget, Arganbright was asked how much additional funding he is requesting in the proposed budget revision.

“It’s $203,965,” Arganbright said.

Arganbright explained that some costs were higher than expected, including food, health insurance, and others. He also said some necessary expenses, as always, were not known when the original budget was created.

Supervisor Maggie Armstrong summarized that the overall budget for the Sheriff’s department has only 9.21% of the yearly funds remaining to get through until the end of June. She asked if the department has a standard process of monthly review to see which line items may be over (or under) the budget.

“We do look at that throughout the year,” Arganbright said. “And if we have leftover, I give that back.”

Dickson asked about the need for each jailer to have a taser. Arganbright said that was done because sometimes a jailer accidentally leaves a taser on his/her belt when going home.

“As sheriff, I know what we need,” Arganbright said.

No formal action was taken on a budget amendment at this time.

The consent agenda included a proposed payroll change for a new hire (Branden Caldwell) as Conservation Park Ranger. His annual salary would be $44,500. The consent agenda also included a request for a fireworks permit for Rita Scheiring for July 6. The supervisors approved the consent agenda as presented as well.

The supervisors held an “EMS workshop” to discuss the process and timeline regarding the efforts for a countywide EMS service.

The next regular meeting of the supervisors will be Tuesday, May 21. The public is welcome. Attendees may participate in person or by calling 323-792-6123 and inputting conference ID 547029216#.