By Rich Wicks | Times Vedette

On Saturday, Feb. 24, the Mary J. Barnett Library held a fundraiser trivia event at the Guthrie Center community building. A meal was served by Cabbage Rose prior to the trivia contest. Participants competed on 10 teams of up to eight members, racking up points over five rounds of trivia.

Proceeds from the event will go into the Friends of the MJB Library account to be used for various projects of that group.

Library Director Jerri Hawkins pointed out that the attendance of 72 was up from 63 at last year’s event, and she thanked the community for supporting the library. The winning team was Brilliant Blasters, while second place went to Crazy Old Farts.

“I thought it was really fun and great to see so many people from the community come out,” Hawkins said.