By Rich Wicks | Times Vedette
Anyone in Panora or even passing through in the past couple of days undoubtedly noticed the American flags displayed around town square. Pat Moylan of Panora explained that a grant allowed the purchase of telescopic flagpoles, which are much lighter than the older ones.
Moylan shared that Panora flies the flags in town square in honor of Memorial Day, Flag Day, the Fourth of July, Lake Panorama Days, Labor Day and Veterans Day. The display is a joint effort of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 5510, American Legion Post 372, and Sons of the American Legion Post 372. Moylan noted an important notation about the display on Memorial Day.
“On Memorial Day, the 12 flags honoring local veterans that were killed in action are flown,” Moylan said.
Moylan also noted that each flag is special, as it is dedicated to particular veteran.
“Now, the flags that we’re flying are ones that were dedicated here on Memorial Day over the last, close to 50 years,” Moylan said. “It’s a rotation. I rotate people’s flags. I think we’ve got in the neighborhood of 300.”

Panora is decked out in red, white and blue.

Flowers and flags decorate the gazebo and town square for Panora’s Fourth of July.