Special to the Times Vedette

On Tuesday, Dec. 10, 2024, 12 Sunshine Club members met for their annual Christmas party held at the Owl’s Nest in Panora at 11 a.m. Trudy opened the meeting by having everyone recite the Lord’s Prayer. Roll call was a favorite Christmas tradition with many neat answers given. Minutes of the previous meeting were read, and the treasurer’s report was given. The new booklets were handed out by Gina Lloyd and she asked everyone to look over to be sure all information was correct.  We are scheduled to help with bingo at the Stuart Care Center on April 14. Next month’s meeting will be with Janine Frettim at her home at 1 p.m. on Jan. 8. The meeting was adjourned, and a game was played using the two gifts everyone brought to be exchanged with another member. A fun time was had by all.