Special to the Times Vedette
Join Rod Stanley from the Guthrie County Historical Village Foundation and Kristine Jorgensen, GCHV Curator, for a guided historical tour through the historic Greenwood Cemetery on Saturday, July 13 from 9 a.m. to noon. Discover the stories behind some of Panora’s past residents.
A tour of the accompanying original prairie by Director Brad Haltermann from Guthrie County Conservation will point out the wonders and beauty of this diverse ecosystem that consists of original ground that has never seen the plow. Greenwood Prairie is one of only three original prairies in Guthrie County.
Wear cool, comfortable clothing (long pants and tennis shoes are recommended) and bring a hat for shade and some water to stay hydrated.
Greenwood Cemetery and Prairie is located east of Panora at 2160 Viceroy Trail.