In an effort to downsize and simplify, I have been moving a lot of “stuff” lately. You know. Stuff. We all have it, at least the noun definition: a group or scattering of miscellaneous objects or articles. “Stuff,” ironically, is also a verb, meaning: to fill by packing things in. 

Both seem appropriate. 

George Carlin offered a great interpretation of “stuff” in his comedy routine from a few decades ago. If you are up for a laugh, and aren’t offended by a bit of graphic language, check it out here.

When my wife and I made our first move, I asked her about the need for so much stuff, including the really heavy bag of rocks she wanted me to load up. “It’s for the bottom of flower pots,” Jolene told me. I didn’t know that flower pots required special rocks, so I let it slide. In our next move a few years later, I came across that bag of rocks again. Of course, I had to ask, “Do we really need this bag of rocks?” She yelled, “Yes!” I didn’t argue. On our third move, when I eyeballed the bag of rocks that we hadn’t used in more than a decade, I put my foot down. “I am not moving this bag of rocks another time,” I firmly stated. “If and when you want rocks, I will find you rocks.” She reluctantly agreed. It was a small victory on stuff. 

Do you rent a storage unit for your extra stuff? You are not alone, according to Self-storage units are a nearly $44.3 billion industry with 52,000-plus facilities using 2.1 billion square feet. About 11.1% of households rent a self-storage unit, spending $85.30 per month, on average. And all this while 65% of us have a garage, 47% have an attic, and 33% have a basement, according to Meanwhile, most of our grandparents and their parents lived in much smaller homes, often without garages. Where did they keep all their “stuff”? The answer is that they simply didn’t have as much of it. What a concept. 

I was reminded of all this stuff when moving a roof box cargo carrier for our SUV. Yes, I had to find room to store something that sometimes stores other things. And, yes, it did come in handy a few times on family vacations, but I would rather move a dozen heavy bags of rocks than carry this buffalo again. Just don’t tell my wife. 

Have a terrific Tuesday, and thanks for reading.

Shane Goodman
Editor and Publisher
Times Vedette digital editions