Steve Epp talks the talk and walks the walk.
By Rich Wicks | Times Vedette
Steve and Saundra Epp of Oklahoma are, according to their calling card, “taking Jesus to the streets.” They’d long been involved in the church as pastors, but, about 10 years ago, something happened that took them on an incredible journey, and it’s not completed yet.

Steve and Saundra Epp.
Steve trained for months and then bought a camper. He was 61 at the time.
“I walked the whole route from North Carolina to San Diego. That was a trip,” Steve said.
For Steve, carrying the cross is not just an expression. He constructed a large wooden cross that rests on his shoulders every step of the journey. And after finishing one cross country trek, he is currently working on doing it all again. He’s experienced a variety of physical afflictions during his journeys, including a stroke, but has bounced back.

Steve Epp out on the roads of America.
The Epps have a Facebook page for their ministry called The Well Tulsa. Saundra said the main message she and Steve impart to people is hope.
“There is hope. True hope,” she said.
Each day Steve walks, he tries to log around 10 miles. While Steve walks with his cross, Saundra drives ahead and monitors her husband’s progress. The couple stays in campgrounds or with friends along the way. Occasionally, they take multiple days off to rest. But, before long, Steve is back at it with Saundra tending to his needs.
As of this writing, the Epps are roughly halfway through Iowa on this venture, heading west. Currently, Steve’s path has been mostly on or near Highway 6. Steve explained that he isn’t necessarily doing each state in order east to west, and he’s learned from his first cross country walk that some areas are best avoided due to weather and terrain.
If you happen to see someone out walking along the highway with a large cross, feel free to stop and talk. Steve may appreciate giving his legs a rest. And, for the Epps, sharing their message with anyone interested is all part of the journey.