By Rich Wicks | Times Vedette

A public hearing will be held on July 22 regarding the proposed sale of the City of Guthrie Center’s interest in real estate.

“This is step No. 1 of selling the property at 907 Main,” City Clerk Kris Arrasmith told the council.

The councilmembers unanimously approved the resolution.

Arrasmith reported on the city’s efforts at mitigating the turkey vulture nuisance. She said that since the DNR shot two vultures, the birds do not seem to be congregating in town as much. She added that if the problem worsens, the city can then work on hanging the frozen carcasses in effigy to repel the vultures from roosting in the area.

Councilmember Garold Thomas said he has heard complaints about a food truck in town that has a loud generator. The council discussed ways the vendor could potentially limit the noise pollution.

One item on the agenda was only briefly discussed because the citizen involved was not in attendance. The agenda item was listed as “Erika Willms – trailer parking on State Street.” Arrasmith and the council briefly discussed business owner complaints regarding a long trailer that sometimes parks on State Street, taking up multiple parking spots. No formal action was taken.

Arrasmith informed the council that Dollar General did not yet have its cigarette sales license renewed, but she said it is because Dollar General’s home office submitted the renewal request using an outdated (2017) form, so the state denied the renewal for all Dollar General stores in Iowa. Arrasmith said as soon as the state receives and approves the corrected form from Dollar General, she will be able to grant a license renewal to Dollar General.

“If anybody would say anything about this, that is why. We are not holding it up,” Arrasmith said.

The council’s next regular meeting will be July 22. The public is welcome.